The United States of America is a Jewish Country

The USA and Israel are one in the same. USA is a Jewish state. It has many Christian followers within it, but the powers that be, those who unleash the war machine, produce the medicine, write the laws, control the web, [certainly] control the media & film & flicker with interest rates are Jewish. Or at least, have Jewish interests at heart.

Since mere utterance of anything relating to Jews that’s not viewed in the utmost positive and worshiping sense is branded as “anti-semitic”, I feel the need to clarify this point before showing you the facts. I am not writing that that Jews are responsible for all that is good, nor all the evils in the world.

I’m writing this from an agnostic point of view to simply clarify the reality of the USA and those in powerful, influential decisions. I believe this to be necessary given the state of the world but also since we find ourselves in media shaped with only side (incidentally, one dominated by Jews).

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TikTok Ban

Why was there so much hype over TikTok? STILL there’s lots of talk over it–we wrote about it here before, but what was staggering was the utmost support for the banning and a complete neglect for veterans, homeless, migrant crisis, inflation, spending or anything else that mattered (look which companies are behind actively facilitating the migrant crisis & their common beliefs).



Despite being 0.2% of the USA population, Jews occupy 11% of Congress seats.

Approximately 390 Jews live in the state of South Dakota and have a look at their new policy in that state–> It has become illegal for to suggest they are guilty of anything, with everything they don’t like being “anti-Semitic”:

Tax, Permits, Regulations, Fines & Printed Dollars Leaving USA

USA support

It’s much easier to orient oneself for the future if we are given some expectation of what will come next since we know who is behind policy, narratives and agendas. You may view that Israel and the USA are effectively the same country, separated by Oceans and Seas. If you begin to view the USA in this sense, it becomes more clear to witness all the acts of betrayal, sacrifice and completely ignoring the welfare of the residents/citizens while sending countless (literally) billions for Israel and war (that pleases the Greater Israel Project) (ask yourself who benefited from the Iraq war!).

I have previous said this about Justin Trudeau but I have heard the same from scholarly individuals who say that, “Every act that US Presidents do is in opposition to the interests of the nation & it’s people”. If we fast forward a little with the assumption that a Jewish-run state would not have USA domestic interests in heart AND that Biden was a walking vegetable [who’s not pulling any strings], than it makes sense that the USA is no longer a sovereign nation. Despite having the worlds largest economies and control over a money-printer, it is as much in control of its future as St Vincent & Grenadines are theirs.

Among the global Jewish population, the number of Jews in Israel is 7,200,000, an increase from 7,080,00 last year. Meanwhile, about 8.5 million live outside Israel, with approximately 6.3 million of them living in the United States. Approx 85.9% live in Israel or United States. After diving a little deeper I found where they all live.

Migration Threat

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This is outdated, but the claims, at least in media and entertainment are true.

Major News

The House (who are a majority Republicans–see it matters not what isle you’re on) just passed: Anti-semitism bill, 320-91

Media Meme is True

The Israel Oath Law

Within that, they state that reading the bible itself is considered to be anti-semitic & therefore a crime.

Governors office in Montana

It’s Worse Than That…


If I’ve outraged you with this, for whatever reason, hopefully I can cool you off by showing that Israel is an economic machine for the last 20 years. Just click here:

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