Tag: mexico

28 Reasons Why Mexico is a good place to be

Mexico as a Hideout this Decade Citizens of the world have always loved Mexico for its sunny weather, fresher food, unique culture, friendly people and lower cost of living A lot of people (myself included, initially) have moved from Europe or North America to Mexico on a more permanent basis to escape the strict government […]

Gringos and Mexico (10 things)

10 things gringos have WRONG about Mexico (Bad!) After a lot of travel, discussion and experience in Mexico–I wanted to write this. Like every place, it has its good points and bad points and today we’re going to touch on the bad points… let’s begin! I’d really appreciate it if you’d share this article on […]

Continents for Kids

A Grade 4 lesson that Americans Don’t Know Every so often one of those talking puppets on television puts on an episode to ask people on the street questions on where a country is on a map. The answers are shockingly wrong. And it’s not like, “where’s Togo?” its like “where’s Canada?” and the answers […]

Pok a Tok

Soccer or Football? Neither! You may have thought this article is a pissing contest on whether it should be named soccer or football–some have tried extensively to argue one name over the other. Although none of them go far as back as the similar game of Pok-a-Tok. It sounds like a Chinese microwaveable meal, but […]