Illiteracy Still Exists All Over The World

Speak Up About It!

As much as I fantasize of being like a CIA agent being able to switch between languages at will in a foreign country in disguise, I’m far from it.

This is more like me:

(Thick Southern Accent)

However, I and everyone I know are fortunate enough to have mastered at least one language–some friends can speak 3 or even 4 languages fluently! I say i’m fortunate because it was not-that-long-ago having education in linguistics at all was not entirely common

Being literate only 100 years ago was mostly deemed for the particularly well-read, educated, or clever. You may have known this (even though movies never seem to demonstrate it– I suppose it’d be too short of a script ha) but do you know that there’s still over hundreds of millions of people on the planet who remain illiterate?

Great change but not enough

In 1820, 12% of the world’s population was literate. I recall going over the papers to my great grandparents (for applying for residency/passports) and there was a section that said Literate: (Yes or No).

If you do want help with applying for citizenship by descent contact here: Let’s Get Started

Even though estimates range wildly, a safe number is only 12% of the world’s population are illiterate. Who are these 12%?

If you’ve seen my crazy facts about Africa article you’ll know that a staggering 40% of the continent of Africa are illiterate. That is almost 500 MILLION people. Some countries have higher rates than others, bumping up the average. It’s estimated that 17 countries in Sub-saharan Africa have illiteracy rates of 50% or worse. Approximately

182 million adults alone are unable to read and write. Over 50 million youth aged 16-24 cannot read or write. This should be noteworthy for those expecting the supply of young individuals of the world to come from Africa.

However, it’s not just the 3rd world believe it or not. Of the United States, it’s estimated that 21% of the population is illiterate. Mostly are of lower wealth backgrounds & reside inside rough neighbourhoods. To compliment these poor scores, it’s estimated that 54% of Americans above the age of 18 are at a grade 6-8 reading and writing level. Globally, around 3 billion of all ages find it challenging to read and write, which is nearly half of humanity.

I encourage you to click this link–>Look at the female literacy rates in Africa & South Asia–> Where are you, feminists?

These numbers are truly upsetting & staggering. Yes there are sad realities of nature, but needless to say that these numbers could wildly improve. This acts as further evidence that “school”, particularly K-12 schooling is not helping children around the planet. I can speak to countless times I have heard of students being ushered on through by simply complaining, protesting, threatening lawsuits, or going to the press (and I’m from a small city). Admittedly, I know I failed a class in university, but rather than put up with the headache of me potentially putting up a fuss, I received a passing grade. I reckon this pattern has gotten worse since since every student is now a trained activist in a dramatic culture shift. I continue this point in my article called, Meritocracy Means Upheaval: America is satisfied with last place (Only Found On The First-Rate Content!)

If you believe children deserve a healthy alternative, consider clicking The Study Room to see if you’d like to be part of an educational start-up. Maybe you’re thinking, what’s another start up… well, watch these first then make up your mind whether we need a change with educating people…Each video gets crazier than the previous one.

You will quickly realize that there truly is no education (K-12) in the United States of America.

And it’s not getting better…

If you want to learn more about this in greater detail, we have more to say on our premium content page!
