Trust us, you’re better off gone, Eh.

Canada is the poster-child for the globalist Malthusians aimed at not only destroying “the middle class” but life itself. Canada’s political class have consistently focused on one main goal without hesitation–> reducing the population.

Complete Control

Bill C-11, recently passed provides the Canadian government with the power expands the Broadcasting Act that grants the CRTC regulatory powers over radio and television to cover all audiovisual content on the Internet, including content on platforms like Tiktok, YouTube, Spotify, and podcast clients.

Furthermore, one troubling aspect of Bill C-63 is the vast authority bestowed upon a newly established body comprising government appointees. It relies on the government to interpret the law, make up new rules, enforce them, and then serve as judge, jury, and executioner. Granting such sweeping powers to one body undermines absolutely everything about the country’s founding laws.

It’s so sensitive as to arbitrarily categorize the broad criminal prohibitions on speech, stifling public discourse and criminalizing political activism. The bill imposes draconian penalties for certain types of expression including life imprisonment for a very broad and vaguely defined offence of “incitement to genocide” (whatever that means… who defines hate?) and 5 years of jail time for other broadly defined speech acts, equally as absurd.

[I could name about a dozen of other extremely dystopian bills that have been passed in the last few months or years, but for sake of length I've left them out]

In effect, the combination of extreme surveillance and sensitivity to free speech creates an environment of opposition ever-less likely. Canada, by law now, is no more free than Russian or Kyrgyz law, and this is extremely dangerous as it leaves every single resident there vulnerable to action taken against them. But, as you’ll soon read below, it’s worse than that.

You Hate Trudeau! You’re Crazy…and we have just the cure!

New plans by the Canadian government are to permit medical assistance in dying (MAID) for patients whose sole qualifying health condition is mental illness. All it takes is a clinician to diagnose you as ill, and that is enough reason to legally end your life. Luckily it’s delayed for now.

Literally what we’re talking about at this point (The Death of Stalin)

Oppositions to the law noted concerns about how MAID would be utilized against vulnerable groups such as Indigenous patients, patients with disabilities, patients living in poverty, and patients in geographically underserved areas–according to Ottawa, just the nuisance people you’d want to eliminate.

Top cociopath from the Chair of the Canadian’s Bar Association quotes, “The suffering of individuals with mental illness is no less real than that of individuals affected by physical illness” arguing in favour of its adoption in every province.

It’s a perfect tactic when you think of it; they are medically diagnosing dissent with complete lack of blow back or responsibility and the savages looking for their profits will gather around; just like the Covid Hysteria. The Soviet Union had perfected this method as a matter of fact (hence the video above). This is much different than viewing the opposing political ideology as foolish, mean, short-sighted, etc., it’s viewing them as psychologically inferior. If they do not subscribe to our political ideology, there must be something fundamentally wrong with them and the “moral” thing is to alleviate their suffering.

So if you’re going to throw political theory into the Diagnostic Statistic Manual textbooks next to all the carcinoma photos and broken bones, the question becomes—How are you supposed to treat it?

How else…

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Canada has an immense pension problem–so much so that it is bankrupt multiples time over. Additionally, they have and have had, a huge problem with respect to veterans’ and their liability funding. This is to say nothing of their “free healthcare” promise they give to the world, which is a whole other article in itself. I suspect, MAID procedures are specifically designed to remove military veterans, those with chronic disease and those drawing upon their pension. Therefore, there are not only political purposes to squash the tip of spear of dissidents, but deep-seated financial and economic reasons for the failing country.

Are you living in poverty? Die!

Canada’s new euthanasia law now allows poor people to kill themselves simply because they are poor, with the government happy to advise and pay for the euthanasia procedure.

I first remember it coined as Euthanasia, but assisted suicide just sounds so much nicer, doesn’t it? Perhaps due to its sweetness, it has gotten some attention a few times in Canada.

Canada has proudly lead the charge in assisted suicide since it became legal in 2016. Since then, approximately 30,000 Canadian citizens have died via this method. In fact, I know of someone who after 8 days following a cancer diagnose took this option.

There’s no mistaking it, Canada is a peaceful place, in some places in the country I wouldn’t be surprised if elk attacks or black ice are the most dangerous objects to be found. With that said, this number 30,000 figure is 4.5X as many USA causalities in the War of Afghanistan and Iraq war, combined!

2021 reduced Canada's healthcare liabilities by 109.2M via killing the elderly; meanwhile Billions of new spending go to vaccine purchases and the Ukraine Border.

A 30% increase in MAID from 2022 to 2023; trend is inversely correlated with cost of living and lack of housing.

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Hate Life

Most people may not know, but it is legal to abort a fetus all the way in Canada as well. Regardless of your standpoint on abortion, I’m not sure how the argument of it ‘it not being considered a living entity’ applies here. I first came across this from a friend who was strongly arguing against the direction the country was headed.

No Jab-No Job, Serf

Since the cat is out of the bag, the human experiment of mRNA therapy has its results coming in every day. To suggest that the side effects from these gene therapy injections are on par with the symptoms of that of a bad flu is pure delusion. One must beg the question why Canada topped the list of vaccine purchasers equaling approximately 11-doses per resident. That’s a whole rabbit hole that Dr. David Martin has covered quite well (you thought Mexican Cartels were bad…)

Canada clearly has an agenda on the move here and it’s not like Canadians have a culture deep-rooted in war, famine or tyranny. That makes them woefully unprepared.


A journalist/researcher had discovered that the drug to euthanize the individuals in Canada is called Sodium Pentathol which is a rapid-onset short-acting barbiturate general anesthetic. One aspect of this drug, in higher doses (those used in MAID) generate an excess of fluid in the lungs, essentially drowning the patient. The sinister part is that these patients have been administered a paralytic first. Orally, this barbiturate process can take up to 24 hours.

[A current scandal is ongoing with respect to health institutes and hospitals withholding autopsy data from the families in question]

On March 17, 2021, Parliament passed former Bill C-7 to revise eligibility criteria for obtaining MAID and the process of assessment. These changes took effect immediately. The federal government is working with provinces and territories and with health care professionals to ensure that the appropriate protections are in place.

90 seconds long MUST LISTEN

Putting the pieces together, it’s quite easy to see it is only a stone’s throw (or doctor’s prescription) away from this ending in a catastrophic place. Political will to crush dissent is inevitable as the country continues to squeeze it’s resources dry. Independence & disobedience will not survive to acknowledge real lasting problems. The population will simply wither away as more are categorized as people with medical dysfunction while a progressive view of assisted suicide catches on. I’ll let you decide on timeline, but the reality is that if you’re in Canada and agree with me that this is terrible–>

Don’t forget it. Maid= Medically Assisted Induced Death

I miscalculated

Immediately, when Canazuela was talking about mRNA injections, I knew it was a tool to kill off the population since nothing leading up to that made any medical, scientific or economic sense. That far-fetched idea has been validated a million times over now, however, I only thought that this would be to eliminate those wanting the pensions or government liabilities. The current aim now–> 13 and above or 12 with parental consent.

As written in the preceding laws in Canada, parents who reject their teenage daughter requesting to be MAID’d is now a criminal offence (if they can decide their gender, surely they can decide to be eliminated!). How stable is the mind of a 13 year old girl? This is not to say that MAID is legal for the kid, rather opposing your own child’s psychological aberrations are classified as such… but don’t worry, they’re working on it!

They’re Trying to Murder You…

I can’t put it any other way anymore bluntly. If you’d rather to avoid this, even only for your families’ sake, please get ahold of me at [email protected] or [email protected]. I offer research reports for you to provide you with 3 options of advice on where/how/why to move yourself and your assets & call services–Trust me, you don’t need to be a millionaire to move!! I look forward to your email. Let’s not put this off any longer!

Canadian Healthcare


Perhaps I’m blowing caution to the wind because these are merely coincidences and whispers of bad news. Could I be seeing this wrong?

Either way, in the meantime, the medical campaign continues strong and is gaining momentum. Let’s just hope it’s limited to medicine in its scope.

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or perhaps we should blame…

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All the Best!
