You Should Be Yelling at Janet Yellen

Nobody to Buy The Debt, So They’ll Rob You

We’ve long wrote that the pension funds are more than bankrupt in all Western countries. The math presents that they absolutely cannot be paid given their humungous losses, more withdrawals than contributions, inflation problems & debt issues to manage. Well, despite the fact that the inevitable ponzi scheme of a pension fund is about to blow up, the Treasuries of the world seem determined to intervene yet again to not bail it out, but bail it in. In other words, they’re going to simply steal the assets, under terms of course. France had already received protests surrounding their rise of the pension age by 5 years (to buy some more time). Similar to how the state intervened to make all landlord contracts void with respect to evicting tenants during the Covid hysteria, we will have the same type of mandate that dictates where future retirement funds must be allocated and to whom.

We’re writing a short post that one should be utmost concerned about the debt levels in the United States (HERE IS ONE SHOWING THE END OF THE CREDIT CYCLE), however we haven’t even touched the unfunded liabilities such as medicare, medicaid, pension funds and other state & federal benefits. All told, we’re looking at close to 200,000,000,000,000 in liabilities. It cannot be paid. to put this in perspective (200T), that is like owing 547,945 USD (over half a million dollars!) everyday… for (not joking) 1 MILLION YEARS.

Don’t worry, they’re working on it

Fed and Banks, working in unison with the Treasury will come to an agreement in drafting a proposal whereby new terms will be set surrounding your 401K or retirement account. I suspect it may read something like, “upon the age of eligibility for withdrawal, 401K holders (pension programs for non-USA readers) must convert existing assets to treasuries with no less than 2 years maturity” or “401K holders must be able to demonstrate their USA residence before receiving payment” or “401K holders must now demonstrate their vaccine status as a new requirement for receiving pension redemptions” or “those who have been condemned of hate speech or other similar categorical laws now have the right to appeal their immediate cancellation of funds saved”. All before any funds can be withdrawn.

I don’t believe this will be limited to USA either; Canada, UK, Germany, Spain are all likely to play big brother, woke politics with respect to the pension funds. Not only will the globalist central planners be able to kick the bankrupcy can down the road a little longer, they will be able to exert political control over the masses by doing so.

In other words, before paying out your pension, the equivalent of money you either put in or were agreed upon, will only be issued if you were a good little boy. It’s not: I'll return it when I say I will return it; it's I'll return it when/if I feel like it.

Just like you have to protect your assets & secure your home at night, you also have to secure your website with legal policies! Below we link an affordable regime to make sure you’re legally protected from harms.

Please refer to our article on why the seizure of Russian Assets could be the cross through the vampires’ heart for the US dollar & Janet Yellen!


This is simply part of a greater trend that the United States are spending far more than ever before and they are finding it increasingly difficult to find buyers of the exponentially higher and higher debt other than themselves. Unfortunately, this is a tell-tale symptom of a collapsing currency just before the end of an empire.

Who is going to buy the debt?