Why Civil War Won’t Happen in The USA

USA should be heading to Civil War, but why they won’t

More than ever, we have headlines eluded that the polarization of the United States will only lead to Civil War–A24 is even making a movie about it, a foreign concept 20-years ago. Now, the country is extremely dividend between red and blue states. People precisely act as if their opposing state are their enemy.

They do not watch the same movies, read the same texts, get their news from the same stations, consume the same products, use the same language, worship the same god (or entity) and especially do not hold the same beliefs of how the overall country ought to be managed (or the issues that require managing). Red states view blue states as self-consumed, woke Hollywood-lovin’ pedo communists whereas Blue States view red states as oil-drinking misogynistic gun-firing ethnic terrorists. Even during the Civil war (which was in reality a war of succession) relations between men and women of the North/South remained during the conflict.

Everything is theatrics–people really hate each other.

The disagreements during the coronavirus period was the cherry-on-top. Stark disagreements regarding all the mandates for masks, vaccines, schooling, business & the authenticity of the “three letter agencies”. This complemented the existing disagreements on gun laws, abortion, reparations, school curriculum, sexuality, political priorities, free speech, taxes, government intervention, religion, university, business, the list goes on. They have even created a new psychological disorder name called Trump derangement syndrome.

After all, the break of the Soviet Union was only 33 years ago and the borders between countries changing is in fact nothing new. The concept of a split is not inconceivable.

They cant even go to the same ball park together.

In fact many counties in Oregon are trying to succeed and become annexed into Idaho. For decades, Texas had groups aiming to push for succession from the United States, that are just now gaining some traction.

While I tend to agree that something has to give, I am also forced to look back upon our ancestors who went to war over a 3% tax increase on tea (okay it was more complicated than this…). It seems obvious that while the argument that a national divorce, succession or civil war all seems probable, I wish to provide a counter-point to say that it’s not going to happen (even though historically, with a different type of American, it should).

Someone finna do sumthin?, not me, I’m like hella’ broke.

  • American debt levels are at record highs, with credit card balances higher than they were before the pandemic
  • Only 56% of Americans (as of August 2023) can put their hands on $1,000 dollars worth of savings. 40% can’t put their hands on $400 dollars.
  • Since 1980, College tuition has increased by 170%
  • 42,170,000 Americans are on food stamps and nearly 86,000,000 are recipients of medicaid. (Medicaid/Medicare liabilities amount to 1.621 TRILLION).
  • Over 43,456,000 Americans are officially in poverty. 62% of these have no insurance
  • Since 1980, Avg. price of a home is up 540%
  • On average, every single American owes $5,800 in credit card debt (note: this is far above the put their hands on number above)
  • Avg. student-loan debt sits at $37,000
  • The number of people who own their property (house) in the USA is 66% but a majority of them have their net wealth in their house.
  • The average FAMILY has over $14,000 USD saved, but the average citizen holds $41,047 USD of student debt and $7,943 USD of credit card debt.
  • The number of Americans who own precious metals is a mere 1.8%

Even if people are doing well, they’re not…

-74% of Americans who are making $100,000 USD or more a year (the average is 59,000) are deemed financially illiterate ;49% of these 100,000 USD or more a year say that they are living paycheque to paycheque.

-Two-thirds of Americans, regardless of income are completely unaware how much they spent 4 or less weeks ago (last month).

-The official unemployed figures only account for about 50% of the ‘actual’ unemployed figures.

-This is how much Americans are paying monthly for car payments

As a country, it averages 562,051 dollars in assets per citizen and 631,908 liabilities per citizen.

I can’t even… SO Triggered

One in eight Americans are taking anti-depressant medication in the last month. In 1999, this number was at 7.7%. One if five over the age of 60 took anti depressants in the last month. The rate of increase in 2020-2021 increased 19% and 5.1% in 2021-2022; 2/3s of the entire country regularly use prescription medication (60% live with a chronic disorder).

40 Million Americans have been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder

You're now dealing with a country that has this for headlines before their election:

Taylor Swift could sway 2024 election outcome, new poll finds with a FIFTH of voters ‘likely’ to back candidate endorsed by singer

Did you see my insta? I’m jacked

As of 2021, 54% of American adults cannot do 10 push ups

Over 1/3 of Americans are considered overweight while over 40% are considered obese. Obesity has tripled in the last 60 years.

A large majority of Americans can swim, but only half can perform the basic movements necessary to save a life in water.

The average Texan can only run 1/5th a mile (320m) without stopping, less than 1 lap at a track [this is not fast running or sprinting].

80% of North Dakotans consider shopping to be a form of exercise.

Read a map? Deadass, I cant read no book, bruh

I strongly encourage you to see our article here which is a head-scratcher

The average reading score for high school seniors declined between 2015 and 2019 and remained unchanged in math, while the country’s lowest performing seniors saw their scores drop in both subjects. Overall, just 37% of 12th-graders reached or exceeded the academic preparedness benchmarks for both math and reading that would qualify them for entry-level college courses – a figure unchanged since 2015 (this figure is following a reduction in the standards to be met across the last 2 decades as well).

Approximately 54% of Americans have a literacy level that of a grade 6 to grade 7 level.

In 2023, 21% of Americans 18 or older are illiterate or the functional equivalent of illiterate (43 million). [Read that again]. It’s estimated that this is causing a loss of 2.2 Trillion dollars on the US economy every year.

Approximately 34% of these 54% low literacy scores come from individuals not born in the United States–which means that 66% are from nationals. To compare, I wanted to use the same UNESCO data (all accounts I have seen show a RISE in this data) using a 3rd world country in Mexico

Latest (liberal) figures show a 6.4% illiteracy rate amongst the entire population in Mexico–most of whom are 65 and older and belong to small, primitive towns.

Similar data holds true for Colombia

They don’t know enough to even be aware that they should be revolting like their ancestors. Their controllers in D.C. have truly done a brilliant job at keeping them blind, deaf and dumb. Many videos populate social media where Americans are incapable of the equation of 3X3X3, naming 3 countries, their own independence day (& from whom), naming who borders them, where the Panama Canal and Great Wall of China are located…

In some sense, they are children–and children are no threat.

Recruitment Sample

The army recruits, presumably the most eager to fight, are motivated for the state as opposed to an ideological cause for over-throwing the state (revolution) or reversing it back to its origins of freedom. These recruits are roughly split 5/5 in terms of red and blue states.

For 2023, the US military will fall short of recruitment goals by as much as 25% this year — caused by a combination of obesity and falling patriotism in Gen Z and by restrictions on recruits having had therapy.

Interestingly, only 24% of the military-age men and women qualify as the remaining cannot pass the entrance tests, cannot pass a drug test or cannot pass the obesity tests (body measurements). If the population, as mad as they are, are stoned, fat, depressed and hate the idea of capitalism–do you think they’re gearing up for a war? Is Colorado getting ready to move into Texas to kill the power-grid, kidnap low-level politicians or destroy a food centre? It’s laughable to consider. As of now, 1/3 Americans haven’t shot a gun before.

Yes, Uncle Sam, whatever you say

Another 13% indicate that they always avoid discussions about politics, bringing the total who self-censor to 77%

Despite only 13% of Americans being able to pass a citizenship exam at any given moment, the US government has become a sort of deity for most young folk now. As you can imagine, the vast majority of citizens and residents are dependent on the state for fundamental sources of support. Many apolitical people have been forced to “choose sides” since government has encroached on every aspect of everyday life. They’ve made it so everybody is so dependent on the state that a sort of retrograde amnesia has developed for the terrible things done to the public.

Disability in the USA Numbers!

Most recently, the US mandated the mRNA vaccines on mostly all of their society. The only state to not change anything was South Dakota and only 7 states did not issue stay-at-home orders (Arkansas, North & South Dakota, Wyoming, Utah, Nebraska and Iowa). The rest went into their prisons like good little serfs.

An experimental, rushed injection, which according to the previous studies utilizing this technology had devastating consequences and failed their previous patent filings was accepted freely. This was not just a little event, this was the largest criminal act of racketeering ever perpetrated on the USA and the world. Many people even enforced government policy for them.

What about all the wars? Oil & gold theft? Inflation? Surveillance cases? Great Financial Crisis? Fraud? Abu Ghraib? Waco? Pfizer lawsuits? Crop manipulations? It’s all water under the bridge.

An 18 year old was born in 2005. An 18 year old on Year 1 of the Vietnam War is now 86 years old.

The point I wish to make here is that the United States should be treated as two separate entities; the people who live there and the existence of the state. The existence of that state is separate from the desires, wishes, interests and functionality of the people within it. It’s an illusion painted that the people are of importance to those in power. As George Carlin puts it, It’s a big club and you ain’t in it.

A split

Splits of a country happen for any number of reasons, but historically they are cultural, economical or a result of birth/deaths from monarchy families (largely irrelevant today). The issue with a split with the United States today is that there are no one “group” defined by blood, language, food, culture, practices as is Kazakhstan from Russia, Czech Republic from Slovakia or Serbia from Kosovo. These are distinct populations with their own way of life. Stereotypes aside, can the same be said comparing Pennsylvanians with Dakotans? Texans to Arizonans? Sure there’s dissimilarities but it’s difficult to distinguish hard borders. Coupled with cultural amnesia and no physical, monetary or educational support–>it’s difficult to see.


USA has faced many turning points in their history but the reality is that they are not the country of California girls, converter-able cars, ice cream parlours, faith oriented folk who respect private property, knowledge and personal liberty. These days are not gone since the declared pandemic–they are decades gone. America, as an idea, is dead and buried. It’s prior self would have risked it all to uphold these principles and I’m sure would have entered a civil war against those who would defy the principles of the free market, liberty, personal responsibility and a community free from government intervention.

The so-called blue individuals cannot share the same nation as the so-called red individuals. On the surface there are the makings of a civil war, however anyone betting on this shouldn’t expect great returns. What remains (regardless of the colour of state) is a multicultural society; fearing their own speech & government surveillance; unfit, unhealthy and stoned; united not by god but by the state power posing as omnipotent; financially dependent on their jobs/government to keep them afloat to survive their oceans of debt; uninformed to a degree that deems them incompetent in the most basic sense; & submissive to no-end to outright lies, folly and untold destruction to themselves, personally.

The current Captains of the United States are perfectly content with the ship sinking so long as they remain on the quarterdeck in control. During that time, expect the Civil War to take place on Twitter

Patriotic types, both democrat and republican are making a life-altering decision by staying behind to bail out the water on this ship. If you want assistance to move (like so many others around the world) CONTACT On The Ball or Open Door Consultancy today!

#StayOnTheBall ‘Merica