What Came First The Chicken or the Egg?

Rant: Men are Embarrassing Themselves for Something To Do

Men are paying upwards of $18,000 dollars to enrol in an infamous program to be tortured physically & psychologically under a new “prove yourself as an Alpha male” program. The program takes the form where an entrepreneur and his hired drill sergeants yell, assault, force unrelenting physical movements, ice baths and cold water sprays. The program is officially known as the Alpha Male Bootcamp.

It’s being crafted as an experience to turn the men’s life around, becoming a better business person, a better father, husband & overall better person (by using 75 hours of physical exertion & anger).

My personal opinion is that the head of this is program is taking advantage of these guys who are completely down-and-out & priced out of society; somebody who needs some encouragement, guidance, advice, health and open dialogue. Instead, this snake is destroying their future by charging a years-worth of rent just to tear their meniscus and make them feel like even a bigger loser than what they were before the process. The Alpha Male bootcamp is a findom session of the “leaders” showing how they can dominate other men at will.

Perhaps the most twisted part is that, there is demand, lots of it:

This is the result of men being told that they are not good for anything anymore; that they are no longer needed; that their input is nothing more than tyrannical and oppressive; that any sort of competition & masculine tendency is toxic & should be extinguished; that they are criminally oriented towards women & that they have never & will never be honest, focused and upstanding partners unless they prove a net worth in the millions. Not to mention the skewed losing results in a court of law.

See the odds of finding a dreamy partner, it’s LOW

When you build a society around this notion that the “patriarchy” is the main problem–which simply translates to Western civilization that the neo-marxists wish to tear down–than men do not find any place for themselves in the world. If a man competes in the workplace with women & wins; he is called a bully. If he competes with women & loses; he’s just pathetic. The whole Western society itself is rigged against men and ironically, women are bearing the brunt. Many TikTok videos circulate the internet of single women in their 20s to 30s asking the simple question, “Where have all the men gone?”. Requests such as “I just want a normal ‘guy’ like it was before” or “I like when the guy does things for me, it’s actually kind of nice” are commonly mentioned. In fact, I just spoke with a Mexican woman in her 20s & when I asked if she’d like for a man to be “an Alpha Male” in that program she said, “No, I would assume he was not a very smart man. If he treated me good & we spent that money together then I would prefer this. I don’t even know what alpha male means”.

Normally that $18000 USD, the pain & struggle of life and overall effort should go towards employment, growth & women but instead, the poisonous culture of feminism (again, a cover for neo-marxism) has pushed it elsewhere. Now the “patriarchy” are spending literally 10s of thousands aimlessly in life craving for some sort of importance & acceptance.


Of course if a woman wishes to remain single or go through guys like napkins on wing night, that’s her choice. Likewise, if a guy has masochistic tendency & cash to burn pretending to be a Navy Seal, that’s his choice. Although I think this really speaks to the cause-and-effect going on between the sexes & the culture at large. Eventually, when you’re told enough negative things about yourself–you begin to listen. At the same time, it appears that Gen-Z women generally misunderstand how little encouragement they need to provide to men just to keep them on track in life–when they get off track, well, they look pretty stupid and women lose the opportunity of finding an otherwise good mate. What came first, the chicken or the egg here?

Even if you do find your Alpha Male ladies, unfortunately he now can’t afford to take you on a romantic vacation for another 7 years.
