West Vs. The Rest

Maps to Show The Global Divide

There is an immense one-sidedness that comes from being located in Canada or the United States your entire life. The understanding is that how things go, how people talk, what they do or do not say is identical elsewhere which couldn’t be further from the truth. All you have to do is travel or speak to another from another country to realize that actually most of the world does not think as you do, at all [if you’re from “the West”]. I saw this during my time in Serbia who were heartedly Anti-NATO, from speaking to Russians in Moscow about the American involvement in the Middle East and every LATAM country regarding the shifting leftist or “woke” culture in North America/West Europe.

Here are a few global maps I’ve come across that highlight this divide between the world:

Countries that recognize Palestine as a legitimate nation

Who Russia regards as an unfriendly nation

Countries and territories that sanctioned Russia in the Ukraine/Russia border war

Visa requirements to enter Russia

All of South & Central America can be in Russia for 90 days whereas the other light green have strict entry/exit points and can only be there for 16 days.

This is why everyone needs to be diversified as much as they can and of course–Travel!
