Voices of the World (Nunavut)

The Arctic Adventurer

This is an interview I’ve conducted with a friend who is a plumber working in the Canadian territory of Nunavut. Most people never go to the Territories let alone work there. I sat down with Jeff to give you some perspective of life in the Arctic that I’m sure is quite foreign to your eyes and ears. Many people go to Yukon which has been described as “North Vancouver” and I have family who have spent years in Yellowknife (in the Northwest Territories), but Jeff moved to Nunavut—A territory that’s almost double the size of all the Nordic countries with only about 40,000 people in total.

How are you, Jeff? So, you are in your late twenties with lots of tradesman experience mostly throughout Atlantic Canada—few people venture that far North if they don’t have a reason. There are many people who love the wilderness of Alaska but Nunavut is a different animal.

Jeff: Again pretty simple rule, stay the hell away. These bears are not like the Coca-Cola commercials. If you’re out on the land you always have your rifle nearby, I don’t know of anyone who would think “I don’t need it”. It’s a real problem though. Many locals have been killed by polar bears over the years. They like food just like we do.

Great, that’s all very interesting stuff. Off the record I’ll find out what those bad intentions are. I’m glad it was you in that cold and not me! I’ve gotten addicted to that Latin American sun. Thank you for taking the time!

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