User-Submitted Articles
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We wish to hear from those who abide by the same motivations of On The Ball. Freedom. Truth. Worldliness.
While we try our hardest to create quality articles, we recognize there are smart minds awaiting to be heard and an under-appreciated capacity to spread out other content. This is meant for aspiring or existing writers & students to publish their work or by anyone who simply feel the need to complete a piece of work on a topic they believe to be worthy of readers.
We aim for this to be a platform for those voices. See more below!
You don’t require a PhD
Our goal is to create a wealth of information & not to discriminate based on prior education or employment.
Put effort in & we’ll do our best to make sure you’re heard
Easy place to having your articles accepted to build a name for yourself
Feel free to create a unique anonymous ‘writing name’ under “Your Name“ for future posts. Only this will be public
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