Unconventional Warfare: Weapons With Dark Purposes (Closing)


The world is seeing an unprecedented change in demographic, culture and population count. The 1st world, namely Europe, is almost entirely saturated with the infestation of the 3rd world who continually exhaust the economy, increase crime & destabilize the concept of nationhood. Muslim society is completely contrary to that of European society–the way I see it, they must adopt the new ways of Africa and South Asia or uncomfortably rid the scores of immigrations. It’s now a do or die situation. But this overlooks the obvious question that should have been asked 20 years ago–why are they there in the first place?

Much evidence demonstrates foreign aid to assist the new migrants in their journey, without any restrictions on screening & vetting. They are put up in great hotels, fed, clothed, given cell phones and the immediate luxurious of first world life. Not to mention this being outright treasonous, the immediate fees of this are tremendous and from a statesman point of view can only be justified if an even bigger return were generated later on.

In the following articles, I proposed 4-5 approaches or plans by which the central planning government-types can “get the most” out of these new souls, or, a return on their investment. They are tools to destabilize their own country (to profit from the destruction and construction) & perhaps even to rig an election by utilizing foreign votes; they are used to usher in cheap slave labour of a two-classed society, those who have & those who have not; they are tools strengthen the grip of government over the populace through the introduction of more regulation, surveillance, monitoring, curfew, etc; they are part of a religious (jewish) & ethnic cleansing plan to create a new weakened race of mestizo & exterminate the caucasians from within; lastly and perhaps most interestingly (given that #StayOnTheBall was the only one calling for this potentiality), they will be used to fight American wars who have a major recruiting problem and find themselves in a very precarious position geopolitically with the Global South.

It could be that each of these ideas are correct or none of them are–however what seems obvious is that the scale, consistently & political will of this is not by accident. These new migrants are unknowingly serving a purpose for North American and European governments which is their next sinister plan for humanity. The hour glass has almost finished, now–we see the next stage of their plan before our very eyes.

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