The World The Globalists Want PART 3

The Best Path Forward is to Ridicule Their Hypocrisy & Stupidity For What It Is

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We have to improve drug safety by giving people drugs to smoke

We support entrepreneurs by making sure they follow the regulations and procedures placed upon them

We have to improve quality of life by ensuring you stay within a 15-minute zone

We as the least masculine society in history need to destroy toxic masculinity

We want goods and services for free so nobody has to work to provide goods & services

We attend fashion shows to see new items on the market that we’d never actually wear

We have to save the planet for humans by removing the number of humans on the planet

We take on debt to go to university to get a job to pay off debt

We are contrarian and non-conformist, just like our friends

We also need more immigrants but are unwilling to personally house them

We need greedy landlords to stop making so much money and start building more rentals

We don’t trust the government but we need them to make changes for us

We have to overthrow your elected government for the sake of democracy


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