The Plague 2.0

There’s a trend happening right now that few people seem to acknowledge as a threat. It’s strange that many do not see this but from my perspective I see a similarity between the newcomers of Europe riddled with the Plague during the Middle Ages and the mass migration entering the European continent and the United States. Like the Europeans hundreds of years prior, they didn’t see the threat to their civilization while it was happening. This is only possible in so far that the West tolerates it. Our ‘American partners’ seem to have be completely accepted the gifts of mental sterilization provided by the generations prior. “Comrade Stalin”, as we’d say in Russia, would be proud if he saw the mindset of your average Westerner. Sadly.

Losing the common notion of nationhood and self-respect has been seen with the scores of mass immigration in Europe and the United States that enter by the hundreds of thousands, yearly (& perhaps more). Worse yet however, is the level of tolerance by which the Anglo-Saxons have adopted these foreign cultures. It is delusional to think there are not differences between an Egyptian and a German, a Brit and a Pakistani, an Estonian and a Turk and so on. The West can’t seem to identify that there are in fact, differences, let alone weighing out whether they are constructive or destructive differences. There are two bodies, but one house.

You have seen that I wrote I am from Russia and yes, I know you are thinking, “But Russia has many muslims/immigrants of their own” which is true–however we have not bent over backgrounds [to be crude] and allowed them to destabilize our society. In other words, we are not tolerant of any and all change to our culture. Sure maybe in Russia you can easily download illegal movies, get a firearm for hunting or travel without a seat belt, but attacks against the state’s stability carry strong punishments here. As a result, we recognize our reflections in the mirror whereas it’s no secret that the average citizen in the West no longer sees theirs. Sadly.

Can’t we say this the plague of the 21st century? People are fleeing their countries and cities, hoping to escape from poverty, lawlessness and savagery, but they do not understand that they themselves are the cause of all these troubles. They themselves are accelerating the destruction of their new homeland. Rape, violence & all crime have made their way into European society being treated as normal and rule of law as something as foreign. The treasuries of these nations incur a tremendous liability to sustain the newcomers (housing, cell phone, food, support, welfare, clothing, travel) & receive little in return. The religious foundation of these nations is being eroded and a new islamic one is being installed who are adamant about their faith, maybe even martially.

You see, I believe the problem here is not even the legality of migrants either; but the living conditions or terms of their stay. If we consider South Korea, there are also a lot of illegal migrants there now, with only one difference – everyone is working. In fact, it’s the easiest way to immigrate to South Korea now, you just come and find a job in the first few days. The state gets its money and domestic production– you get a normal life. The legality side of things is just paperwork. The problem in Europe (and America now) is that they are simply blurring the boundaries between legal and illegal migrants. Isn’t it obvious that if you provide benefits that you can live comfortably on and do nothing, people won’t go to work? What is the point of integrating into society? There is no “pressure” to do so, so from the European perspective, if we go back to the Plague analogy, the immune system has been switched off. Clever Americans already noticed:

Just like in the Middle Ages, people fled from plague-infected cities, and carried the infection with them. They were delighted to get within the walls of the new city, only to see it in ruin after a year of their arrival. The Germany of today is different than what it will be in the future. The infection of subversion will spread and destroy as long as the West portray the lie that it’s safe to shake hands with the entire world.

With history supporting me, it is the mixing of these two cultures that are bound to cause the subversion of one at the others’ expense–just as the parasitic bacteria reproduces itself on the flesh of the host.

We know all too well that Russians are deemed to be the utmost threat to Western Democracy, a laughable statement from our perspective, as we know the threat is coming from internally. The sick mind is blaming the doctor if you will. I’ll refer to Alexander Pushkin’s poem reading “you don’t need to deceive me, I’m glad to be deceived myself”

Here in Russia it would be a flat out lie if I said we didn’t have problems of our own–there’s much room for improvement, but our ability to recognize threats is more fine tuned than the West right now. I didn’t write this to “show off”, cheer or brag, rather as a warning to the West. They should remember who they were and be careful who they want to become, lest the disease spreads further.

From Russia, With Love