The Globalist’s Plan For You PART 2

Did you get a laugh at how ridiculous the West (EU, UK, 5 eyes) has become? See it here:

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We want to strengthen our nation, but not by using our own people

We hate Russia so much that our we are forcing them to work day and night to ship more oil to us

We sanction countries all over the world to make sure everybody gets along

We respect minorities so much that they are clearly helpless without our support

We want to use windmills and solar panels to reduce carbon missions, to do so, we will mine a plethora of minerals fuelled by coal

We are absolutely detest slaves working thats why we only use the best of them make our product

We have to reduce violence by defunding police who prevent violence

We want to improve mental health by blocking the research & use of psychedelic medicines

We want people to live their best lives while eradicating fatphobia

We have to beat you up, arrest you & force you indoors for a public health cause

We have to expand the debt owed to not pay off debts owed

We have to trust the science without reading the science


Contact us if you have any questions or if you want to take action (relocate) outside of this craziness & you need some help!

[Advice on second residencies, international planning, tax laws, gold storage, strategies for the future]