Dead Internet Theory; Bad Things Are Now Possible
What is the Dead Internet Theory?
The Dead Internet Theory is an online theory that asserts that the internet now consists mainly of bot activity and automatically generated content manipulated by algorithmic curation to intentionally manipulate the population and minimize organic human activity. In effect, it is meant to dilute human-to-human interaction by flooding the internet with computer-generated and bot activity.
These agents can rapidly create posts alongside AI-generated images designed to farm engagement (clicks, likes, comments) on platforms such as Facebook, Instagram and TikTok or any internet browser. If you believe this to be remotely real, and you appreciate HUMAN-created content–> Please consider picking up my email newsletter and subscribing (an offer is ongoing).
The guy is a piece of shit, but the video is just here to highlight that computers are not all human.
A couple of things from this video worth considering. The bots. Bots according to my research (because I am interested in the prospects of creating an app) are the central complaint with respect to those who sign up for messaging apps. I have to say too that they are extremely prevalent on Facebook, Instagram and now X. In fact, with my @OpenDoorHelp account on Twitter, unfortunately, a number of my followers are actually bots.
Photos, videos, conversations, stories and even people are all faked. What is the point of interacting with the internet any longer.
Where Does This Leave Us?
What is real? What is the purpose of the internet but to connect to other humans to expedite commerce, conversation, planning, news & entertainment. However, what is the purpose if we humans are needles amongst haystacks within the internet Matrix. How can we compete with an infinite number of digital inputs who not only swarm the levels of influence but communicate with each other to diminish this human to human interaction. What is the benefit of internet usage in this world? How can we be sure of any information as being informative rather than subversive? If the Matrix engulfs all inputs and now outputs, then we have no way of discriminating between fact or fiction, true or false, authentic from faked, trustworthy from trickery.
Have you ever played a live video game that is 10 years old and it’s all glitches and fakes; that’s what the internet can become
World War 3 is Informational
It seems increasingly clear to me that WW3 will/is taking the form of one of information as opposed to the traditional hot war, except for ballistic missiles, DEWS and drones. This means that those who have a controlled population with respect to prior, existing or future events will be able to hold a monopoly over its global participants. I’ve wrote that I believe the world war will be over the death of a US treasury markets and the emergence of gold, as well as a plethora of civil conflicts that will pop up around the world, but perhaps the way this is best facilitated by plugging everybody’s brain into the informational media network of bots.
You can imagine a scenario where a professional or a number of them, accompanied with their favourite celebrity or political leader articulates for everybody to stay indoors, receive an injection, pay a sum, fight a battle, starve themselves all due to an untestable, fictitious threat or command. That was the beauty of Covid. It wasn’t a testable problem, it’s fear was far more destabilizing that the supposed symptoms and the general lie was you can still have it even if you test negative. How could anybody know what was going on in this scenario? All propagated by the “experts”.
Intelligence is the product of informational processing
If you’re here and he’s asleep; who’s driving?
Remember those classic Scooby Doo scenes? It’s the same thing with respect to the emergence of these super computers and AI–is it possible that this could get away from us? Even if that Scooby Doo cartoon memory may have brought back a chuckle or a sense of nostalgia, in reality that scene is quite terrifying.
Tech folks developing AI currently hold tunnel vision of it’s progress and the public so far, seem to think AI is simply “cool”. AI is commonly used for making funny videos of prominent figures, ChatGPT quick answers and interesting language/video alterations for their own amusement or even business enhancements. In fact, I know of a gentlemen who offers AI services as part of his online business. Can you seriously see a scenario where our computer hardware and software ‘stops’ getting better for some reason? Imagine that the latest Iphone, MacBook or any Virtual Reality progress stops, forever. Ceasing our craving for technological improvements could only be done if something perhaps more damaging were to happen such as global nuclear war, a massive decline of the global population or an asteroid striking Earth.
Needless to say, there are no breaks on this Scooby Doo tech mystery van.
So if AI is going to become ever-so sophisticated, could we see its usage operate distinctly from our own goals and desires. For instance, if AI’s aim was to enhance efficiency indefinitely and it deemed certain segments of the population are mathematically problematic, what would stop it from creating a ‘faked’ plan to eradicate that segment of the population? After all, how would that segment of the population even know that the plan was essentially a con to run them off the cliff given the fact that anything and everything “could be” a con.
Ruh-Roh Raggy.
Once there’s no way to distinguish trusted sources from faulty ones, virtually every command or lesson created by the machine is guaranteed to change the behaviour of those interacting with that machine. As Elon Musk had remarked years ago, it’s as though AI is building a road and there’s an ant hill. The machine is not programmed to hate ants, but rather to build the best road and if the data presents problems in that task, why wouldn’t it create commands to destroy that problem?
Spectrum of Intelligence
I’ve simply said a segment of the population, but what if AI could deem the entire human population to be a problem? Imagine the intellectual gap between a toddler and a genius physicist. This gap is about as large as we humans can conjure in our minds; but it may be minuscule compared to the potential gap that can exist in space and time. In other words, while I may be suggesting AI producing fake videos to only remove the criminals of society; AI may very well logically conclude that all humans have the capacity for crime and it’s in the world’s best interest to therefore remove the planet of humans. Many are now proposing the need for “universal basic income” for those who’s careers will be displaced by artificial intelligence and robotics–what do austerity measures look like through a robot’s eyes?
This all sounds crazy until you re-watch that video above showing fake videos, fake photos, fake people and seeing how the bots are communicating with each other as though they were friends. It’s already begun.
I realize there is a bridge between the dead internet theory and AI “running the show”. Logically although, if computers are advancing in their information processing, bots are swarming the internet now and agendas such as depopulation, global war, famine and mass injection campaigns are on the table, it’s not that far of a stretch to assume that this could get out of hand. Wouldn’t you expect a psychopath to blame mass murder on the “robots decision-making” instead of their own?
I’ve started watching the show Better Than Us; It’s a Russian Sci-Fi show with AI/Robots that I recommend
Smarter Than Me
I had a conversation with a young man smarter than me who had delved into this theory and agreed that it was developing rapidly in front of our eyes. Websites are now making the front page of nearly all google-searches with subtle tells that they are not human-generated.
The way he viewed the future of the internet was perhaps less sinister. He thought that it would give rise to more messaging apps that offer an opportunity for people to find out about the local situation that way. After all, what is news but the reporting of an “on-the-ground” experience? Telegram in my experience is very good for the dissemination of global information, quickly. In some sense, news would become far more slow, but decentralized once again as people left the bot-ridden mainstream.
He further predicted that web browsers would be obsolete for a percentage of the population who mentally snap free from “the matrix”. The shift from getting news from individuals vs. the “web” would be less dramatic as a considerable amount of the internet was non-sense and pornography anyway, but we agreed that this is a perfect way to seize the minds of millions to puppet them how somebody sees fit. At least, for the people who stay behind in the computer-controlled fake world.
The dead internet theory looks to be slowly coming true as bots, deep fakes are not only appearing, but seem to be interacting with each other on social media and the publishing of websites. It feels as though it’s not out of the question that the machine will learn that it doesn’t require to be plugged in to operate.
As the internet becomes more swamped with fake inputs that are able to communicate and coordinate with each other; it’s worth questioning whether these computer systems couldn’t create, plot and plan themselves–especially as their existence and influence have no sign of slowing down and the inputs are from the worst types of people.
Whether there is the Wizard of Oz controlling the machine, or the machine runs on autopilot, could bots’ complete monopoly over the internet [which is by extension to say information] lead to the destruction of ourselves?
I’ve wrote here that the most technological sophisticated countries will be the least free, here
I feel as though I could write about this for days. In the meantime, perhaps the solution to this is to regroup, face-to-face, and build our own parallel systems that are as removed from the matrix interface as possible; even if that means unplugging the computer altogether.
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