Sad to Say
I think the best days are now over for the island. I have been extremely biased in wanting to avoid coming to this conclusion but I cannot rationally suggest that brighter days are ahead after nearly two years viewing news headlines, legal amendments, a tightening with UK policies and general on-the-ground changes felt. Here is a mere glimpse of why I think the Isle of Man will morph into the decaying Islamic Kingdom of the British Isles.
Let me stress that I have travelled a good deal, I have family around the world, I've met people from all over the world, and coming to this conclusion (even if I was never born there) was the most difficult thing to do as I simply saw so much potential for security, family and happiness.
Trends and Events
- Extreme food import tariffs, sanctions and halts of chicken, goat, cow and pig due to supposed “extreme” threats to livestock. Fertilizer inputs amid their forced sanctions on Russia have made it multiples more expensive for local farming. Given their link to the UK, with their recently inheritance tax (and much more), you can expect less food production in the United Kingdom which translates to less food in Isle of Man.
- Facial ID at borders/ becoming a mini-police state on one of the absolute safest places on the planet
- Covid Lockdowns were a thing and there was little resistance; there is a story of a Scotsman taking his Ski-do from Scotland to the Island to see his girlfriend (he should be dead after that journey!) and they arrested him and seized his Ski Do. Other penalties were laid out against others as well and the public obeyed
- Businesses are closing left and right. VAT taxes and now an increase in income taxes for corporate and individuals signal a difficulty for anything to remain profitable.
The island is on the highest number of the public are on food stamps or are paycheque to paycheque. The damaging of relations with Russia for cheap fuel and the perverted insistence of not freeing themselves with their own affordable gas, causes electricity costs to essentially become nationalized (with those being naughty having theirs shut off). As I write this, doctors are on strike for more pay; the first time ever in its history too.
Furthermore, there is a housing crisis that is worsening as the island appears excited about the prospect of their record tourism numbers. This has forced people rent out their place on a short-term, high-fee basis which provides a glut of long-term rentals for locals or those moving to the island.
Let Me Reitterate
If you are not reliant on conducting an active (physical) business on the island (especially one that involves finance, banking, gambling), if you are sufficiently capitalized to stomach rising costs and rents/home prices, if you desire a slow-pace of life with friendly people and great views, this is still a good bet for you.
The change is that it has become an expensive old-people’s home, rather than what it once was; a unique, productive, sovereign business hub.
Lets Ask AI
Here are some traits that AI spit out after asking the question what the future economy for the island will be:
A major focus is on "sustainability", with goals set to substantially decarbonize parts of the island’s economy by 2030. The aim is to achieve a 35% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, aligning with global climate commitments and promoting environmentally friendly practices across sectors.
Isle of Man plans to implement a global minimum corporate tax rate of 15% for multinational enterprises starting from tax year 24/25. Additionally, there are increases in taxation on petroleum extractions from 0% to 20%
The Isle of Man is showing signs of adopting some ‘woke’ values through legislative changes and social initiatives aimed at inclusivity and equality; however, public sentiment remains mixed regarding these developments
Isle of Man’s economy is likely slightly more resilient than people would figure given it’s reliance on distance services in insurance, e-gaming and accounting; but people still need to live locally!
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Transgender Day of Remembrance…What?
- Unlike the UK who are now policing dissent, speech and religiosity, Isle of Man’s control approach is to be extremely rigid, strict and tyrannical with respect to business and financial operations. In general terms, their target for control are white collar, instead of blue collar. There is a bill ongoing to increase financial crimes penalty–the government has resorted to this police fining method against producers and businesses as a way to raise funds without raising taxation. The fact of the matter is when you get down to it, it’s no longer a business welcoming/friendly jurisdiction
- I have written about this before here, when you get into the details of immigration programs, they are immensely restrictive and unfriendly. One program was cancelled because two many people from the wrong countries were applying (pro-business you say?).
- Freedom of speech is shaky if you push the lines
- Recent petty crimes and drunken violence indicating an increasingly stressed and upset population
- Climate Change Act, like I said, anti-business. The Climate Change Act for the island is a game-over strike for the island in itself. It’s the most destructive document that they are now legally bound to following. This guarantees that housing will no longer be affordable and thus fail to bring in workers to compensate for their aging population.

- Isle of Man have their own non-profit organizations that are eager to follow the Pandemic Prevention Plans that install an immediate Stalin-esque state of handling declared problems. This is present in New Zealand, UK, currently worked upon in Canada.
- Similar to what I’ve studied and written about in this blog post here, the Isle of Man government is very influential and engaged in the management of the island. It is no longer “hands off” from Tynwald like years prior. There are active policies, bills and copy-cat movements from the UK being pursued without being counter balanced
- MAID, Medically Assisted Induced Death is being implemented with eagerness. Here’s what I think about that here.
- An unprecedented change in fiscal policy with the island now deficit spending and scrambling to compensate for their balance. Overspending has become the norm over the last 5 years.
Please Read the Climate Change Act Isle of Man
Through virtue signalling, Isle of Man is working towards having zero effective energy day-to-day, and hence a declining economy as a result (energy consumption = economic GDP). The unrealistic system of these renewable systems is stupid based on energy density, price (not including future inflation), deficit spending in government subsidies and times of day with energy demands (with a latency factor).
As I said, I am a fan of Isle of Man and it’s people. It has an aging friendly population, it is very green, extremely safe and has much better taxes than the rest of Europe. However, it’s consistency to widen the scope of government intervention (which is a stark contrast of Tynwald’s system which actually made the island unique), it’s increasing police state, adoption of neomarxist ideas and idiotic energy policies all leave little growth to the imagination for residents.
It’s difficult to see how the country is going to become more reasonable, healthier, happier, wealthier and more secure inside the ever-increasing threats in the broader macroeconomy. Isle of Man has the luxury of starting off far ahead of the dying United Kingdom, but it’s on the same path of decline and as of now, there is absolutely no viable resistance against the trend.
As Einstein said, objects in motion continue in motion until acted upon by another force.
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