Tag: USA

The Real Cause Behind Global Conflicts

Cartel Wars: Treasuries vs. Gold I’ve written about Mexico a lot–no this is not about Mexican drug cartels (because I know that’s the first thing to think about when you think of the word cartel), this is about banking cartels–who seek total control of the world over every aspect of your life. Control the money–control […]

A Complete Confidence Killer in the US Dollar

Going from Freeze–to Seize Damage to Collateral Get out your pens and mark this down. February 17th. This will be a historic turning point in the future of the global monetary system when we look back. It is evident that the sanctions against Russia have tremendously back-fired as they decided to use the dollar as […]

Help Incorporating Your Company

Non-resident US LLC owners So you have decided that a US LLC is the best incorporation for you & your business/structure. You ultimately have to choose what’s best for you giving as many factors as you can involve–but here are some factors that can help you decide. See the chart below to get a more […]

What is Happening in Credit Markets?

Gold is money, everything else is credit JP Morgan, 1912 Credit Markets are broken… there needs to be some event to “reset” confidence or the system itself. Get the Free Newsletter to hear our thoughts on what’s next! US Debt Rises $1 Trillion in 100 Days on average, according to Bank of America. They estimate […]

A Brutal New Risk to Bond Markets. Beware!

If you frequent our articles chances are you’re all too familiar with the risks of holding US Treasuries, T-Bills or Notes from an inflation risk point of view. If real inflation is 7% and you’re getting paid 5% you’re losing purchasing power–simple as. However most portfolio managers factor this in already & it’s not a […]

A Military Recruitment Problem. Proxy Pawns

Do as I say, not as I do -USA Foreign Policy The USA are quite clearly using Europe as a proxy against Russia which is yet again checkmark for their Europe destabilization project. If you’re not sure about the latter, please consider subscribing to read my important article on the truth in Ukraine! The USA […]

Why Civil War Won’t Happen in The USA

USA should be heading to Civil War, but why they won’t More than ever, we have headlines eluded that the polarization of the United States will only lead to Civil War–A24 is even making a movie about it, a foreign concept 20-years ago. Now, the country is extremely dividend between red and blue states. People […]

Make No Mistake…This is Chemical Warfare

Drug problem? Ok Boomer… Synthetic compounds have evolved organized crime markets, which traditionally relied on illegal plants. In fact, most of the major revenues [from drug sales] seen by criminal syndicates are using these newly popular compounds. Their product is often cheaper, provides a much stronger high and is easier to produce given the lack […]