Tag: USA

Why Civil War Won’t Happen in The USA

USA should be heading to Civil War, but why they won’t More than ever, we have headlines eluded that the polarization of the United States will only lead to Civil War–A24 is even making a movie about it, a foreign concept 20-years ago. Now, the country is extremely dividend between red and blue states. People […]

Make No Mistake…This is Chemical Warfare

Drug problem? Ok Boomer… Synthetic compounds have evolved organized crime markets, which traditionally relied on illegal plants. In fact, most of the major revenues [from drug sales] seen by criminal syndicates are using these newly popular compounds. Their product is often cheaper, provides a much stronger high and is easier to produce given the lack […]

The Best Deal the USA Ever Received

The Smartest Real Estate Purchase, Ever in History Back all the way to 1867, 156 years ago, U.S. Secretary of State William H. Seward and Russian envoy Baron Edouard de Stoeckl signed the Treaty of Cession. In this, Tsar Alexander II ceded the territory of Alaska to the United States for $7.2 million dollars. In […]

Why Won’t You Fall, You Bastard?

Read This if Most of Your Wealth is in Housing! Since rent caps have come in place in California and New York–that is, the amount that landlords can charge their tenants for rent is limited–a storm has been brewing in the housing market. Many people who found it challenging to make ends meet on their […]

Not a Gun Muzzle… A Muzzle for a Gun

Reasons to Hate, Hate Speech I hate, hate crimes for two reasons. Firstly, for obvious reasons… and secondly are the dangerous precedence it presents by assigning limits to speech. Stopping hate crime is far more dangerous than simply hearing unpleasant utterances. Having the power or resources to stop “hate” must be synonymous with tyranny–the 20th […]

No More Fizz to Jones Soda

Jones Soda, Just About Gone Flat… I hadn’t had my eye on this company–I completely forgot about it. It was always the drink of choice for people at a skateboard park when I was growing up–not sure why. After 16 years of drinking my last bottle with them, it seems that they may be in […]

Millennials Poor

Millennials, You have some work to do I came across this data recently that was eye-catching. You know the World Economic Forum’s claim “You will own nothing and be happy”, well it may be easier for them to accomplish than expected. Millennials only have a mere fraction of the USA’s reported wealth, despite making up […]

The Cleanest Dirty Shirt

Now Thats a Good Looking Buck Years ago I remember hearing about a psychology study that went something like this: A random sample of men were brought in to a lab and were asked to rank-order photos of 20 women according to their attractiveness. But there was a catch, they were told that if they […]

Disability in the US

“I’m so sore even my hair hurts” Hey there Ladies and Gents, so what’s the deal with Disability in the US? According to the U.S. Department of Labor, 1.5 million more people in the civilian non-institutional population had a disability in 2022 than the year before. In fact, when combined with the increase from the prior year, there are 2.7 […]