Tag: Travel

Why Everybody Should Travel

Craziest Things You May Encounter When Travelling (& Counting) While travelling the world you put yourself in many situations, often many are unexpected and nerve-wracking. Looking back, they’re often comical or jaw-dropping when considering the probability that it had happened. Here’s a small list of what can happen to you while on a vacation/business trip! […]


OnTheBall Travels You said… Paris Hilton… lives here?? Anguilla is a British Overseas Territory in the West Indies comprised of a small main island and several offshore islets. It is known for it’s luxury real estate, private exclusive living, nice hotels, amazing sandy beaches and good dining. As a territory with zero taxes on many […]


OnTheBall Travels (Hungary) The most beautiful city I’ve ever been (Budapest). It is a must-go if Europe is on your bucket list Itinerary We flew into Budapest from Cancun Mexico with a layover in Turkey. Everything was smooth entering the country–I don’t believe there was anything even said to us. Passports stamped for the 90 […]

Gringos and Mexico (10 things)

10 things gringos have WRONG about Mexico (Bad!) After a lot of travel, discussion and experience in Mexico–I wanted to write this. Like every place, it has its good points and bad points and today we’re going to touch on the bad points… let’s begin! I’d really appreciate it if you’d share this article on […]

Tax Changes in Armenia

Armenia has made some tax changes to their successful micro-entrepreneur and turnover tax regimes. Prior to the changes, companies (under certain business types) could pay zero tax if their revenue did not exceed approximately 60,000 USD per year. Similarly, a turnover tax regime allowed the business over to elect to shorten their tax bill from […]


Using Fire Protectors as Wealth Protectors What in gods name is this article about… Fire protec–using a fire blanket to protect my cash? Not quite. There’s a country out there that very few people hear about, can point to on a map, or know anything about. While they’re not the richest (& likely won’t be […]