Tag: #StayOnTheBall

The Genocide That Nobody is Discussing

Ukraine is Being Erased from The Map To the last Ukrainian Ukraine parliament has rubber-stamped law on forced mobilization of Ukrainian men in Ukraine & abroad “literally within half an hour without discussion.” This law requires all Ukrainian men 18 to 60 years old in Ukraine & abroad to register at military draft offices & […]

Behind Every Great Scheme, There’s a Woman

The Wool Over Her Eyes Look away now if you’re easily offended about every little thing–or in the case you’re determined to be offended, eh, keep reading. Did I offend you with the title? Guys were looking for a ‘I told you so’ article while ladies are already considering their angry, clever rebuttal. Unfortunately, I’m […]

Unconventional Warfare: Weapons With Dark Purposes (III)

Explanation #3: Immigration Warfare/Elements of Destabilization The third reason, which is broad in it’s scope, relates to truly an unconventional aspect of war–>immigration. There is a reason when some people feel innately uncomfortable with high levels of immigration from a foreign person; it’s an innate bodily response to protect ones’ well-being and safety. Sometimes people […]

Unconventional Warfare: Weapons With Dark Purposes (II)

Explanation #2: Military Recruits I cannot believe this is the case–you’d think that the US Government had learned their license after giving birth to ISIS and radical mercenary groups all over the world–apparently not. Explanation: Cannon Fodder. Similar to the first, these people will be used in another dumb, unnecessary war. I have spent a […]

The Real Cause Behind Global Conflicts

Cartel Wars: Treasuries vs. Gold I’ve written about Mexico a lot–no this is not about Mexican drug cartels (because I know that’s the first thing to think about when you think of the word cartel), this is about banking cartels–who seek total control of the world over every aspect of your life. Control the money–control […]

A New Hope For Your Portfolio

New Hope Group is an Australian coal producer with associated coal port, oil and gas, and agricultural operations Company Details; Operations Founded in 1952With over 900 employees New Hope currently has two open cut coal mines, one in the Darling Downs and one in the Hunter Valley: New Acland, north of Oakey in Queensland, and Bengalla, west […]

The World The Globalists Want PART 3

The Best Path Forward is to Ridicule Their Hypocrisy & Stupidity For What It Is Please Share We have to improve drug safety by giving people drugs to smoke We support entrepreneurs by making sure they follow the regulations and procedures placed upon them We have to improve quality of life by ensuring you stay […]

The Globalist’s Plan For You PART 2

Did you get a laugh at how ridiculous the West (EU, UK, 5 eyes) has become? See it here: More below, don’t forget to follow us on Twitter & explore our site for the controversial posts We want to strengthen our nation, but not by using our own people We hate Russia so much that […]