Tag: #StayOnTheBall

Lord of the Rings & Immigration Help?

You Jump; We’ll Guide You There’s an often question in Lord of the Rings (that surely annoys a lot of hardcore fans) that asks, “Why didn’t the Eagles simply fly Frodo to Mordor?” or “Why didn’t Gandalf just save the day, all the time?”. Without getting into the logistics & mythology of Middle Earth–it’s an […]

The National Game of Russia is Chess

A HUGE misstep by the Americans The imbeciles in Washington have decided to go ahead with another blunder of seizing Russia’s (from the Central Bank) Forex reserves to the tune of around 300 Billion USDs. It is BY FAR the biggest mistake of the USA since they began aggressively weaponizing the usage of the dollar. […]

BTC is the Most Centralized Asset That Exists

Bitcoin is the Most Centralized Commodity That Exists, Cont. Centralized Mining Approximately 40% of the current Bitcoin mining is done using public companies, that is, those registered and heavily scrutinized by regulatory bodies. In other words, almost a majority of the new supply of Bitcoin come from & go to state-regulated companies. This is a […]

Hot Chili

A Spicy Situation Limited Availability for Non-Subscribers! Company: Hot Chili Limited is an Australia-based copper company. The principal activity of the Company is engaged in mineral exploration. The Company is focused on copper exploration and development in Chiles Atacama Region. The Companys Costa Fuego Project is a copper mining hub in Region III on the […]

Unconventional Warfare: Weapons With Dark Purposes (Part IV)

Explanation #4: Police State/Terrorist Attack Similar to the previous post– This is to stage a coup or a police state–after a terrible event or a series of events. All of which is known and deliberately not stopped. Important Link: https://x.com/RadioGenoa/status/1731083566472192083?s=20 As a colleague writes, “I saw a video which laid out the areas throughout the […]

Unconventional Warfare: Weapons With Dark Purposes (Closing)

Closing The world is seeing an unprecedented change in demographic, culture and population count. The 1st world, namely Europe, is almost entirely saturated with the infestation of the 3rd world who continually exhaust the economy, increase crime & destabilize the concept of nationhood. Muslim society is completely contrary to that of European society–the way I […]