Tag: #StayOnTheBall

The CAFO Bill: More of the Same, America

Peter Zeihan Missed A Few Things… Peter Zeihan, the jaw-droppingly arrogant man who looks like a stoned yoga instructor has received a fair bit of attention from his staggering commitment to non-sense as well as holding a CIA Shill position on every talking point. USA is on top of the world because we’re bigger, faster, […]

Did You Know This About Cayman Islands?

Cayman Islands are not the place they used to be.. Let me preface this by saying I am a huge fan of the three islands. It is generally a sophisticated place, with the most advanced fund, offshore banking/company formation, accounting and administration services in the world. It is a haven for the wealthy who are […]

Venture Capitalists Are Not Prepared For This!

This ties into my six-part series of articles highlighting the real danger of population collapse. We are truly headed full throttle over a cliff of having not enough people. I encourage you to subscribe to figure out more and how I am planning to capitalize on this problem. Central Asia vs. the Rest I wanted […]

Prepare Because The EU is Coming For You

Open Door Consultancy: Take This Seriously! Recently we have wrote an article throwing a word of caution to travel vloggers, offshore corporate providers and business assistants to go easy on recommending Europe as a jurisdiction for both living and for business. Yes, it has it’s benefits, but generally the continent of Europe is dying a […]

The Money of the Movie Industry

Movie Margins: Bad Ending I’ve thought to myself: If I ever had ample amounts of wealth lying around, what would I do? I can think of about 5 or 6 plans or business ideas but one attractive idea is to create your own film production company. I have an imagination, a love for movies & […]

Open Door Consultancy: Easy on Recommending Europe

Be Mindful of Disaster This is a message towards those offshore service providers & travel vlog types that are insistent on their selling of countries in the European Union–as though times were similar like 20 years ago. Do they have a place in your portfolio or travel fun? 100%. However, the trend is absolutely against […]

How to Kill The Samurai

The United States’ Totalitarianism Towards Free Markets The Japanese Samurai; an image of controlled chaos. Some may view the Samurai as symbol of freedom, strength, power and protection. Perhaps this is why the cryptocurrency wallet and exchange (spelled Samourai) based their name off this majestic warrior. But, as long as you associate with the United […]

Europe is the next big battlefield, again

Bidenistas Latest Spending Bill & The Long-Term Outlook The latest REPO bill, which is a foolish, foolish act to pass that only involves more spending and sacrificing the confidence in the US Treasury market, contains approximately $61 billion dollars for completely finished Ukraine and approximately $26 billion dollars for their priority pals of Israel. The […]

Can Venom Be Good for Your Health?

Bee Aware of your Health Scientific research is always seeking new forms of treatment to a myriad of complex and generally puzzling diseases. Due to severe regulations, ethics committee boards, funding limitations, restrictions in available research tools and politics (yes, it does exist in medical research), researchers have to stay in their zone a lot […]