Tag: #StayOnTheBall

Baseball Pitches

This is for the Nerds: Aerodynamics of Pitching Written September 2023 Strike Three! Baseball fans love that call (well unless your team is batting). Pitchers have all sorts of unique ways to strike out batters. A famous pitching coach once said “Batting is timing; Pitching is upsetting timing”. Maybe we heard commenters say “And the […]

Nomad Investors going to Montenegro

OnTheBall Travels (Montenegro) It’s like a tall, absolutely gorgeous brunette with a history of bad relationships and no personality Montenegro. A place that has gotten some warranted attention as of the last few years amongst nomadic expats. I’ve been keenly following investors, podcasters, travel bugs, expats, nomads and the-like who all seem to be commenting […]

Why Everybody Should Travel

Craziest Things You May Encounter When Travelling (& Counting) While travelling the world you put yourself in many situations, often many are unexpected and nerve-wracking. Looking back, they’re often comical or jaw-dropping when considering the probability that it had happened. Here’s a small list of what can happen to you while on a vacation/business trip! […]

And you thought Asians love Animé…

What the hell is going on… Americans are absolutely obsessed with CGI Superhero movies. I knew that some superhero hits had really set a new bar in successful sales, yet, I had no idea that these were the only movies doing so. I love a good mystery, psychological thriller, the odd horror movie with plot-twists–something […]

A British Overseas Territory Where The Costs Add Up But That’s It

Bermuda Isn’t Worth It No this is not about the Bermuda Triangle… Bermuda is an absolutely beautiful, classy, clean, safe British Overseas Territory in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. It really is the epitome of being rich. My parents spent their honeymoon there and they may still be paying it off. But things are […]


OnTheBall Travels You said… Paris Hilton… lives here?? Anguilla is a British Overseas Territory in the West Indies comprised of a small main island and several offshore islets. It is known for it’s luxury real estate, private exclusive living, nice hotels, amazing sandy beaches and good dining. As a territory with zero taxes on many […]

5 Clever Mystery Movies

Tricky Mystery Movies to Solve I always love a good mystery movie. One where you have to think to solve and every little expression, detail, camera shot make a difference in solving the ‘who dun it’ question. Here are 5 movies you may not have seen that I think warrant your time. Can you solve […]

The Millionaire Mindset

What would you do if you have 1 million dollars? As in, someone knocks on your front door and hands you a bag of 1 million dollars in cash. Now I assume you’ll spend the first little bit on your favourite restaurant, new shoes, throw a party and celebrate. So forget that part. Right now, […]