Tag: #StayOnTheBall

Costa Rica

OnTheBall Travels Experience with Pura Vida Anything humans made, looked awful–Anything nature made, was beautiful Arrival If you’re already in Latin America, you’ll find that San Jose (capital) is relatively well connected. Mostly nobody stays here though given the level of crime, infrastructure and general unpleasantries. Costa Rica does have domestic airlines to fly to […]

The Best Deal the USA Ever Received

The Smartest Real Estate Purchase, Ever in History Back all the way to 1867, 156 years ago, U.S. Secretary of State William H. Seward and Russian envoy Baron Edouard de Stoeckl signed the Treaty of Cession. In this, Tsar Alexander II ceded the territory of Alaska to the United States for $7.2 million dollars. In […]

A Hidden Secret of Politics in Science

Bureaucracies in Science Short article. Won’t take much of your time. I wanted to share this little inside information I heard from a scientist. Sign up for the Newsletter on topics nobody wants to talk about “How many manuscripts have you published?” is the scientist equivalent of “How much can you bench, bro?”. So much […]

Voices of the World (Nunavut)

The Arctic Adventurer This is an interview I’ve conducted with a friend who is a plumber working in the Canadian territory of Nunavut. Most people never go to the Territories let alone work there. I sat down with Jeff to give you some perspective of life in the Arctic that I’m sure is quite foreign […]

A Country that really appreciates Gold

…But where can I use Gold? All of us at some point were looking for some liquidity to make payments–which may be especially if difficult if you’re happy with your portfolio and are reluctant to change it. But, I’m no different and I needed some cash recently. I had some gold bars that I am […]

West Vs. The Rest

Maps to Show The Global Divide There is an immense one-sidedness that comes from being located in Canada or the United States your entire life. The understanding is that how things go, how people talk, what they do or do not say is identical elsewhere which couldn’t be further from the truth. All you have […]

The Kuya Silver Miner

Kuya’ja buy it? Just as a disclaimer, I do not currently own any stock, hold any affiliations with this company nor have any relationship with them in any capacity. See the Disclaimer policy for further details. I wanted to post about a junior silver miner that has posted some seriously high grade silver results. [Read […]

We Explored Panama & Here’s What We Found

OnTheBall Travels A great hub for Finance; Banking, Companies, Funds, Tax planning–But simply not stable enough for living year-round I headed to Panama to see the place as many expats have commented on it being a great place to hideout or to remain free in this captive world. I also had some business meetings. It […]