Tag: Social Media

Movies for Kids

And Now for the Feature Presentation: Social Programming I was in [undisclosed area in Latin America] a beautiful park the other evening with people from all ages; rollerskating, biking, scooters, selling candy, fruit, snacks, running, renting trampolines, it was really a fiesta! The park covered hundreds and hundreds of acres and it still looked packed. […]

TikTok Warfare

Your Teen Signed Up For War & You Never Even Realized Our imaginations of warfare may look like the trenches of World War 1, storming the French beaches of World War 2 or kicking-in steel doors to sand huts for close quarters combat in the Middle East. Hats off to everyone who has the fortitude […]

Now, Jokes Require Certification

Digital Gulag for me… It is stuff like this that have motivated me to launch On The Ball. There is an immense amount of censorship on the internet and the space where we share information. I’m well aware I’m not the only person who had been censored on Twitter daily, it seems to be a […]