Tag: Russia

The Trap Set By Russia & Iran

Syria was not a victory, it was a Trap Think for a Moment The cheers that resonate through the United States and West Europe seem too “shallow” and “simple”. Again, another reason why you should pick up our free newsletter because if the mainstream propaganda goes one way in a rapid decision, we’re inclined to […]

The New Russian Empire

It’s been remarked by famous investor, author and philosopher Doug Casey that “Russia is nothing more than a gas station attached to a gun store in front of a wheat field” & while I somewhat agree once you take a trip outside of Moscow or St. Petersburg, I think Russia is truly the only capable […]

BRICS-11 are Solid Don’t Overlook Them

What is BRICS 11 about? Who Are They? BRICS is an intergovernmental organization comprising Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa (hence BRICS). It was unofficially named by Golden Sachs in 2001 as a marketing plough to get people to invest in emerging markets, officially formed in 2006 and with South Africa joining in 2010, BRICS […]

Finland, The New Ukraine

Russia’s top diplomat has now officially warned that Finland will be hit first in any confrontation between NATO and Russia. For the sake of this article I will use USA interchangeably with NATO given that it’s a purely USA foreign policy (and funded as such). Finland, according to US General Mcgreer fits a nice piece […]

Would You Consider Moving Here?

The Iron Curtain Continues to Flip I have keenly witnessed events take place where the countries that were always left-leaning over the last 100 years become more conservative, traditional, strict, and business-friendly. On the other hand, countries that were more conservative, tradition and business-friendly have adopted every aspect of leftism you can imagine, causing their […]

LOOK! Russia’s New Shipping Route

“You Should Sanction Us More Often!” A new shipping route that the Russians are working to develop couldn’t have come at more perfect timing with global turmoil both in the Red Sea (Suez Canal) and the Panama Canal (protests over copper mine and Darien Gap immigraton). Russia is seeking to become an alternative shipping route […]

The National Game of Russia is Chess

A HUGE misstep by the Americans The imbeciles in Washington have decided to go ahead with another blunder of seizing Russia’s (from the Central Bank) Forex reserves to the tune of around 300 Billion USDs. It is BY FAR the biggest mistake of the USA since they began aggressively weaponizing the usage of the dollar. […]

The Genocide That Nobody is Discussing

Ukraine is Being Erased from The Map To the last Ukrainian Ukraine parliament has rubber-stamped law on forced mobilization of Ukrainian men in Ukraine & abroad “literally within half an hour without discussion.” This law requires all Ukrainian men 18 to 60 years old in Ukraine & abroad to register at military draft offices & […]

A Complete Confidence Killer in the US Dollar

Going from Freeze–to Seize Damage to Collateral Get out your pens and mark this down. February 17th. This will be a historic turning point in the future of the global monetary system when we look back. It is evident that the sanctions against Russia have tremendously back-fired as they decided to use the dollar as […]