Tag: Relaxation

Help Incorporating Your Company

Non-resident US LLC owners So you have decided that a US LLC is the best incorporation for you & your business/structure. You ultimately have to choose what’s best for you giving as many factors as you can involve–but here are some factors that can help you decide. See the chart below to get a more […]

The Tradeoff of the Decade

Your Ancestors Made A Choice, Now You Have To Do The Same:The Trade-off of the Decade One of our Canadian writers felt the need to write this after we had this discussion. Enjoy! I left Canada when Trudeau felt the need to coerce citizens into taking experimental drugs (ones that he directly profited I should […]

Why Everybody Should Travel

Craziest Things You May Encounter When Travelling (& Counting) While travelling the world you put yourself in many situations, often many are unexpected and nerve-wracking. Looking back, they’re often comical or jaw-dropping when considering the probability that it had happened. Here’s a small list of what can happen to you while on a vacation/business trip! […]

Positive Presentation

Shake It Out I wanted to write this that may assist you in a job interview or making a good impression, despite it being a somewhat tiny detail in your behaviour. Handshaking. I’ve recently met some people while travelling internationally [check out a whole other page called OnTheBall Travels!] and I immediately noticed how timid […]

Scary Movies

The Creepiest Movies You Haven’t Seen When I’m not writing, investing or reading I like to unwind by watching a movie, but every time trying to find a movie it’s always 45 minutes of searching. Movies seem to fall into the categories of I’ve seen it, I’m not in the mood or that looks stupid. […]