Tag: PsyOp

The Dead Internet Theory is Deadly for Us

Dead Internet Theory; Bad Things Are Now Possible What is the Dead Internet Theory? The Dead Internet Theory is an online theory that asserts that the internet now consists mainly of bot activity and automatically generated content manipulated by algorithmic curation to intentionally manipulate the population and minimize organic human activity. In effect, it is […]

Your Freedom is at Risk; Don’t Forget What They Did

Please Refer to This Link: https://rsf.org/en/covid-19-emergency-laws-spell-disaster-press-freedom This is why you need alternative news/information sources like On The Ball. We strive to continue to offer you authentic information as we hit a time of extreme censorship from governments all over the world. Rather than speak the truth, they are motivated to silence it–but not us! Banned […]

An Alien Invasion is Coming! Here’s Why:

Are Aliens Real? That Depends on The Economy By this point, I’m sure you find it difficult to believe government numbers at all (or at least I hope so!). The numbers from the Venezuelan government are basically the same as those from the UK or French governments at this point–perhaps the level of lying overtly […]

BTC is the Most Centralized Asset That Exists

Bitcoin is the Most Centralized Commodity That Exists, Cont. Centralized Mining Approximately 40% of the current Bitcoin mining is done using public companies, that is, those registered and heavily scrutinized by regulatory bodies. In other words, almost a majority of the new supply of Bitcoin come from & go to state-regulated companies. This is a […]

Unconventional Warfare: Weapons With Dark Purposes (Part IV)

Explanation #4: Police State/Terrorist Attack Similar to the previous post– This is to stage a coup or a police state–after a terrible event or a series of events. All of which is known and deliberately not stopped. Important Link: https://x.com/RadioGenoa/status/1731083566472192083?s=20 As a colleague writes, “I saw a video which laid out the areas throughout the […]

Unconventional Warfare: Weapons With Dark Purposes (Closing)

Closing The world is seeing an unprecedented change in demographic, culture and population count. The 1st world, namely Europe, is almost entirely saturated with the infestation of the 3rd world who continually exhaust the economy, increase crime & destabilize the concept of nationhood. Muslim society is completely contrary to that of European society–the way I […]

Unconventional Warfare: Weapons With Dark Purposes (III)

Explanation #3: Immigration Warfare/Elements of Destabilization The third reason, which is broad in it’s scope, relates to truly an unconventional aspect of war–>immigration. There is a reason when some people feel innately uncomfortable with high levels of immigration from a foreign person; it’s an innate bodily response to protect ones’ well-being and safety. Sometimes people […]

Unconventional Warfare: Weapons With Dark Purposes (II)

Explanation #2: Military Recruits I cannot believe this is the case–you’d think that the US Government had learned their license after giving birth to ISIS and radical mercenary groups all over the world–apparently not. Explanation: Cannon Fodder. Similar to the first, these people will be used in another dumb, unnecessary war. I have spent a […]