You May Be Missing Out! Are you trying to find a jurisdiction for your company where you can pay little without problems? I feel you… However, that’s what I’m here for! To suffer with you! For Help Today, Check Out the Launch of Open Door Consultancy! In all seriousness, there are some interesting opportunities available […]
Tag: OpenDoorConsultancy
Japan Launches a Nomad Visa!
Japan has just announced it’s own Digital Nomad Visa for March 2024 If one can prove an income of 10M Japanese Yen or more ($68300 USD equivalent) they are able to receive a six month visa stay. Private health insurance is also a requirement but spouses/children will be able to arrive in conjunction with ones […]
The Globalist World They Want
Political Paradoxes We Should All Ridicule We have to limit free speech in order to save free speech We have to burn the village down in order to save the village We need to increase our surveillance tools to ensure your privacy We support women in all areas of life, so we will ruin their […]
Where you can flee, to stay CBDC-Free
This Is Serious–Consider This Now! A lot of people have taken a doomsday approach to the issuance of a Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC) which resembles China’s infamous social credit score; a method regulating every single behaviour of their population to confirm with the state’s mandate, ideology or desires. Recently, it has been in the […]
The Tradeoff of the Decade
Your Ancestors Made A Choice, Now You Have To Do The Same:The Trade-off of the Decade One of our Canadian writers felt the need to write this after we had this discussion. Enjoy! I left Canada when Trudeau felt the need to coerce citizens into taking experimental drugs (ones that he directly profited I should […]
A British Overseas Territory Where The Costs Add Up But That’s It
Bermuda Isn’t Worth It No this is not about the Bermuda Triangle… Bermuda is an absolutely beautiful, classy, clean, safe British Overseas Territory in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. It really is the epitome of being rich. My parents spent their honeymoon there and they may still be paying it off. But things are […]
Who has a Budget Surplus
Squirrels are Tiny, but they still Survive the Winter How do Squirrels survive such horrendous conditions and the threats from predators? They have it engrained in their DNA to save more than you consume. If you abide by this principle you’ll have enough energy to give you enough leverage to find a mate, find shelter […]
Quick! Acquire Citizenship by Birth
Did you pay enough taxes for a lifetime? My guess is that you’re inclined to say you paid enough taxes for two lifetimes. That may be true if you are thinking about having a child in the future and aren’t particularly worried about where. It may be a challenge for the lady to have all […]
Ways to Invest in Gold
You’re Looking to Buy Gold, but How? I was speaking to a friend of mine about the debt trap that the US Government finds itself in with its 130% Debt to GDP and requirement to continue spending for social security, pensions, healthcare, welfare and so much more. Inflate or die was essentially where we see […]
The Most Underrated Country in Europe
OnTheBall Travels (Hungary) The most beautiful city I’ve ever been (Budapest). It is a must-go if Europe is on your bucket list Itinerary We flew into Budapest from Cancun Mexico with a layover in Turkey. Everything was smooth entering the country–I don’t believe there was anything even said to us. Passports stamped for the 90 […]