Tag: OpenDoorConsultancy

Prepare Because The EU is Coming For You

Open Door Consultancy: Take This Seriously! Recently we have wrote an article throwing a word of caution to travel vloggers, offshore corporate providers and business assistants to go easy on recommending Europe as a jurisdiction for both living and for business. Yes, it has it’s benefits, but generally the continent of Europe is dying a […]

Open Door Consultancy: Easy on Recommending Europe

Be Mindful of Disaster This is a message towards those offshore service providers & travel vlog types that are insistent on their selling of countries in the European Union–as though times were similar like 20 years ago. Do they have a place in your portfolio or travel fun? 100%. However, the trend is absolutely against […]

Lord of the Rings & Immigration Help?

You Jump; We’ll Guide You There’s an often question in Lord of the Rings (that surely annoys a lot of hardcore fans) that asks, “Why didn’t the Eagles simply fly Frodo to Mordor?” or “Why didn’t Gandalf just save the day, all the time?”. Without getting into the logistics & mythology of Middle Earth–it’s an […]

The Globalist’s Plan For You PART 2

Did you get a laugh at how ridiculous the West (EU, UK, 5 eyes) has become? See it here: More below, don’t forget to follow us on Twitter & explore our site for the controversial posts We want to strengthen our nation, but not by using our own people We hate Russia so much that […]

Help Incorporating Your Company

Non-resident US LLC owners So you have decided that a US LLC is the best incorporation for you & your business/structure. You ultimately have to choose what’s best for you giving as many factors as you can involve–but here are some factors that can help you decide. See the chart below to get a more […]

They are Hungry for Hungarians

The Only European Country Who Appreciate Their Own The entire developed world is in a state of crisis with respect to low birth rates. I implore you to find a developed, wealthy, functional country that is replacing their population at the requisite fertility rate (2.1). In fact, one benefit our subscribers get is a seven-part […]