Tag: Oil

A New Hope For Your Portfolio

New Hope Group is an Australian coal producer with associated coal port, oil and gas, and agricultural operations Company Details; Operations Founded in 1952With over 900 employees New Hope currently has two open cut coal mines, one in the Darling Downs and one in the Hunter Valley: New Acland, north of Oakey in Queensland, and Bengalla, west […]

The Best Deal the USA Ever Received

The Smartest Real Estate Purchase, Ever in History Back all the way to 1867, 156 years ago, U.S. Secretary of State William H. Seward and Russian envoy Baron Edouard de Stoeckl signed the Treaty of Cession. In this, Tsar Alexander II ceded the territory of Alaska to the United States for $7.2 million dollars. In […]

You Need To Read This About Ghana Right Now

What’chu Ghana do about it? I’ve gotten off a call recently with a Namibian lawyer whereby we were talking about the company structures and tax details. We were talking about how lots of legal proceedings are out-of-date, simply unknown or resort to case law in court. Unfortunately, my plans were deemed not feasible and the […]

Russian Equities

Smooth Sailing but Unable to Dock the Stock Most of the world does not produce anything themselves and rely on imports; this is especially true when it comes to resources. Russia accounts for a meaningful percentage of the world’s commodity production as Europeans have found out the hard way over the last couple of years. […]

Natural Gas & Oil Company for Investing

Unfortunate Timing with Everything; But Brighter Times Ahead? I am bullish on energy sectors for this whole decade. While the whole world bitches about windmills, solar, electric, carbon and fossil fuels, the bitter truth is that energy security for a country = political security. If you have to grow it, manufacture it, or move it–it […]

Israel and Lebanon Gas Deal

Crisis + Offshore Oil= Opportunity? As of October 27th, 2022 Lebanon and Israel have come to a deal (brokered by the United States) to divide up ownership of maritime boundary areas of the Mediterranean; an unlikely event given the hostilities between each other. The settling of these boundaries allow for the transparency to set-up for […]

A Land Between Shivers

Weapon of Mass Destruction: Dollar When God made Hell, he did not find it bad enough, so he made Mesopotamia—and added flies. Arab Proverb Mesopotamia = Land Between Rivers, the title is a little play on words. You’ll know it as Iraq. It’s always been a place of unpredictability, causing shivers of fear to those who live there. It’s amazing […]