The Trap Set By Russia & Iran

Syria was not a victory, it was a Trap Think for a Moment The cheers that resonate through the United States and West Europe seem too “shallow” and “simple”. Again, another reason why you should pick up our free newsletter because if the mainstream propaganda goes one way in a rapid decision, we’re inclined to […]

The New Russian Empire

It’s been remarked by famous investor, author and philosopher Doug Casey that “Russia is nothing more than a gas station attached to a gun store in front of a wheat field” & while I somewhat agree once you take a trip outside of Moscow or St. Petersburg, I think Russia is truly the only capable […]

Finland, The New Ukraine

Russia’s top diplomat has now officially warned that Finland will be hit first in any confrontation between NATO and Russia. For the sake of this article I will use USA interchangeably with NATO given that it’s a purely USA foreign policy (and funded as such). Finland, according to US General Mcgreer fits a nice piece […]


OnTheBall Travels (Serbia) It’s an old place, covered in graffiti and it’s falling apart–but I like it Serbia… always something going on. We travelled here for over a week by bus from Hungary. Serbia has become an interesting place to get a flavour of Europe without spending your entire savings account. Read about our Hungary […]