Tag: Movies

The Money of the Movie Industry

Movie Margins: Bad Ending I’ve thought to myself: If I ever had ample amounts of wealth lying around, what would I do? I can think of about 5 or 6 plans or business ideas but one attractive idea is to create your own film production company. I have an imagination, a love for movies & […]

Lord of the Rings & Immigration Help?

You Jump; We’ll Guide You There’s an often question in Lord of the Rings (that surely annoys a lot of hardcore fans) that asks, “Why didn’t the Eagles simply fly Frodo to Mordor?” or “Why didn’t Gandalf just save the day, all the time?”. Without getting into the logistics & mythology of Middle Earth–it’s an […]

A List of Movies That Came True

Dystopian Films That Became Reality Idiocracy This is a funny movie. But some aspects of it are coming true before our eyes. None of the characters pay attention to whats happening around them (100% accurate to today). Everyone believes the fools around them, they have lost the ability to think & are only focused on […]

What You See in a Store Now

World’s Most Depressed Heroes I just wanted to have a quick comment on something i’ve noticed the other day. Increasingly, I feel detached from the common citizen for a few reasons. Not just because of getting older, but because most of my information, people I communicate with (and what topics), my source of entertainment, the […]

And you thought Asians love Animé…

What the hell is going on… Americans are absolutely obsessed with CGI Superhero movies. I knew that some superhero hits had really set a new bar in successful sales, yet, I had no idea that these were the only movies doing so. I love a good mystery, psychological thriller, the odd horror movie with plot-twists–something […]

5 Clever Mystery Movies

Tricky Mystery Movies to Solve I always love a good mystery movie. One where you have to think to solve and every little expression, detail, camera shot make a difference in solving the ‘who dun it’ question. Here are 5 movies you may not have seen that I think warrant your time. Can you solve […]

Scary Movies Part 2

It’s Scary Movie Night! Here’s another list of movies that you can watch with your friends. Put on the popcorn! (5) The Night House (2020).This movie is listed as a thriller/horror but it plays like a mystery. It’s mysterious, eerie or thrilling throughout most of the film. It gets really weird & is different than […]

Movies for Kids

And Now for the Feature Presentation: Social Programming I was in [undisclosed area in Latin America] a beautiful park the other evening with people from all ages; rollerskating, biking, scooters, selling candy, fruit, snacks, running, renting trampolines, it was really a fiesta! The park covered hundreds and hundreds of acres and it still looked packed. […]

Scary Movies

The Creepiest Movies You Haven’t Seen When I’m not writing, investing or reading I like to unwind by watching a movie, but every time trying to find a movie it’s always 45 minutes of searching. Movies seem to fall into the categories of I’ve seen it, I’m not in the mood or that looks stupid. […]