Tag: MiddleEast

The Trap Set By Russia & Iran

Syria was not a victory, it was a Trap Think for a Moment The cheers that resonate through the United States and West Europe seem too “shallow” and “simple”. Again, another reason why you should pick up our free newsletter because if the mainstream propaganda goes one way in a rapid decision, we’re inclined to […]

A Unique Middle Eastern Economy

This is Headline News, but Not For These Reasons If I were to ask you, have things gotten better or worse over the last 20-25 years, my guess is that you may be inclined to say worse (since this is written in English). Trust among neighbours has declined, mental illness has shot up, more job […]

Israel and Lebanon Gas Deal

Crisis + Offshore Oil= Opportunity? As of October 27th, 2022 Lebanon and Israel have come to a deal (brokered by the United States) to divide up ownership of maritime boundary areas of the Mediterranean; an unlikely event given the hostilities between each other. The settling of these boundaries allow for the transparency to set-up for […]

Weapon of Mass Destruction:The Dollar

When God made Hell, he did not find it bad enough, so he made Mesopotamia—and added flies. Arab Proverb Mesopotamia = Land Between Rivers. You’ll know it as Iraq. It’s always been a place of unpredictability, causing shivers of fear to those who live there. It’s amazing blessing from oil has also conjured up a cursing of unimaginable catastrophes. I […]