Tag: Investing

Want to be Iron Man?

Temporarily Available to Non-Subscribers First of all, thank you once again for being a subscriber–it enables us to continue to find various companies and do these short reports. Please check out my previous posts’ as well. If you like Travel, Business Proposals or Wish to share your own article without compromising your identity see below: […]

Where you can flee, to stay CBDC-Free

This Is Serious–Consider This Now! A lot of people have taken a doomsday approach to the issuance of a Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC) which resembles China’s infamous social credit score; a method regulating every single behaviour of their population to confirm with the state’s mandate, ideology or desires. Recently, it has been in the […]

The Best Deal the USA Ever Received

The Smartest Real Estate Purchase, Ever in History Back all the way to 1867, 156 years ago, U.S. Secretary of State William H. Seward and Russian envoy Baron Edouard de Stoeckl signed the Treaty of Cession. In this, Tsar Alexander II ceded the territory of Alaska to the United States for $7.2 million dollars. In […]

The Kuya Silver Miner

Kuya’ja buy it? Just as a disclaimer, I do not currently own any stock, hold any affiliations with this company nor have any relationship with them in any capacity. See the Disclaimer policy for further details. I wanted to post about a junior silver miner that has posted some seriously high grade silver results. [Read […]

Why Won’t You Fall, You Bastard?

Read This if Most of Your Wealth is in Housing! Since rent caps have come in place in California and New York–that is, the amount that landlords can charge their tenants for rent is limited–a storm has been brewing in the housing market. Many people who found it challenging to make ends meet on their […]

Canadians & Brits are not Speaking

Are you authorized to be talking? A finding as of late… While we try to create interesting articles for everyone, we realize that there’s a segment of the population who just doesn’t care about military applications, stock shares and data on credit card debt. To compensate with more content for this neglected audience, we welcome […]