Tag: Inflation

The Minimum Wage Should be Abolished

Now, everyone is a loser… We grow up thinking we have the freedom to be paid, but there’s no freedom in it at all Does it feel like the government is getting away with too much? Does it feel like you’re working hard but not getting ahead? Our Free Newsletter is for you. The Problems […]

Inflation is Out Of Control!

Why Inflation is never going away Sick and tired of paying for expensive groceries, fuel, tuition and rent? Aren’t we all. But. It won’t get better. It’s actually going to get worse. Why? Because of debt. Many countries around the world, particularly advanced societies have never carried this much debt before, especially relative to their […]

What’s Your Threshold?

Everybody Needs to Decide Their Line in the Sand As the saying goes, it’s better to be a year too early than a day too late, which is especially relevant when it comes to leaving a place heading in an authoritarian direction. I’m motivated to write this after long discussions with my friends about relocating […]

Obsolete Idea

The Piggy Bank Died Long Ago Mom and Dad are usually right, but they’re wrong about this thing. They are wrong when they say “Save your money”. Get a job, and “save it in your bank account”. “If only you saved your money…” I’m writing to suggest to you that you are (practically) unable to […]