Tag: Immigration

What’s Your Threshold?

Everybody Needs to Decide Their Line in the Sand As the saying goes, it’s better to be a year too early than a day too late, which is especially relevant when it comes to leaving a place heading in an authoritarian direction. I’m motivated to write this after long discussions with my friends about relocating […]


An Overlooked Hideout There are threads and threads on Twitter and various forums discussing this main question: Where does one go [for freedom, normalcy, to escape the madness]? You can imagine that this question has gotten considerably more attention over the last few years when governments decided to turn their countries into prison systems just […]

Tax Changes in Armenia

Armenia has made some tax changes to their successful micro-entrepreneur and turnover tax regimes. Prior to the changes, companies (under certain business types) could pay zero tax if their revenue did not exceed approximately 60,000 USD per year. Similarly, a turnover tax regime allowed the business over to elect to shorten their tax bill from […]

The Largest Disaster on Earth

Shocking Numbers from Africa This is data is taken from the 2022 Ibrahim Index of African Governance–the most thorough, intensive research report I’ve seen on the continent. I’m in the process of breaking down some important results (by overall governance trends and then it’s individual categories) that I strongly encourage you to check out by […]


OnTheBall Travels (Serbia) It’s an old place, covered in graffiti and it’s falling apart–but I like it Serbia… always something going on. We travelled here for over a week by bus from Hungary. Serbia has become an interesting place to get a flavour of Europe without spending your entire savings account. Read about our Hungary […]