Tag: Immigration

A Brutal New Risk to Bond Markets. Beware!

If you frequent our articles chances are you’re all too familiar with the risks of holding US Treasuries, T-Bills or Notes from an inflation risk point of view. If real inflation is 7% and you’re getting paid 5% you’re losing purchasing power–simple as. However most portfolio managers factor this in already & it’s not a […]

Japan Launches a Nomad Visa!

Japan has just announced it’s own Digital Nomad Visa for March 2024 If one can prove an income of 10M Japanese Yen or more ($68300 USD equivalent) they are able to receive a six month visa stay. Private health insurance is also a requirement but spouses/children will be able to arrive in conjunction with ones […]

A Military Recruitment Problem. Proxy Pawns

Do as I say, not as I do -USA Foreign Policy The USA are quite clearly using Europe as a proxy against Russia which is yet again checkmark for their Europe destabilization project. If you’re not sure about the latter, please consider subscribing to read my important article on the truth in Ukraine! The USA […]

Birth Citizenship

Did you pay enough taxes for a lifetime? My guess is that you’re inclined to say you paid enough taxes for two lifetimes. That may be true if you are thinking about having a child in the future and aren’t particularly worried about where. It may be a challenge for the lady to have all […]

Costa Pobre (Poor Coast)

If you’re reading this you may be a bit familiar with “offshore havens” or a concept known as a territorial tax regime whereby you are only taxed on locally-sourced/produced income. Costa Rica is one of those territorial tax countries that have attracted thousands of foreigners every year for many reasons. However, recent legal changes are […]


OnTheBall Travels (Hungary) The most beautiful city I’ve ever been (Budapest). It is a must-go if Europe is on your bucket list Itinerary We flew into Budapest from Cancun Mexico with a layover in Turkey. Everything was smooth entering the country–I don’t believe there was anything even said to us. Passports stamped for the 90 […]

Psychology of Voting

How Psychology Impacts Who’s President I am putting my overpriced degree to work here by writing about one of the few lessons I’ve taken away from it. That lesson was the importance of personality. Personality is often used incorrectly such as “my personality makes me love attention; is someone who needs everything perfect; is “science-minded”; […]