Tag: Government

An Alien Invasion is Coming! Here’s Why:

Are Aliens Real? That Depends on The Economy By this point, I’m sure you find it difficult to believe government numbers at all (or at least I hope so!). The numbers from the Venezuelan government are basically the same as those from the UK or French governments at this point–perhaps the level of lying overtly […]

Are You Necessary?

A Rant: Imagine if this Happens! The other day I was walking in beautiful Punta Del Este and I came across a man wearing an identifiable bright outfit to show that he parks cars for drivers. He was standing, bundled up trying to stay warm from the cold breeze. He’s a nice fella, despite my […]

The Globalist’s Plan For You PART 2

Did you get a laugh at how ridiculous the West (EU, UK, 5 eyes) has become? See it here: More below, don’t forget to follow us on Twitter & explore our site for the controversial posts We want to strengthen our nation, but not by using our own people We hate Russia so much that […]

Why Do You Think So Many Are Poor In The World?

Rant: The Nature of the State This is a quick rant regarding something i’ve come across while exploring business opportunities in other jurisdictions. Kazakhstan (which we’ll be writing about soon) has in some ways become the Switzerland of Central Asia since the many sanctions of Russians. Kazakhstan, while still poor, has opened up to foreign […]

Why Civil War Won’t Happen in The USA

USA should be heading to Civil War, but why they won’t More than ever, we have headlines eluded that the polarization of the United States will only lead to Civil War–A24 is even making a movie about it, a foreign concept 20-years ago. Now, the country is extremely dividend between red and blue states. People […]