Tag: Finance

Privatizing Property Must Be Done Domestically

Freedom for Citizens If you’ve followed our hashtag on Twitter, LinkedIn, Gumroad and Instagram #StayOnTheBall you’ve noticed that we strive to abide by our three primary principles; Truth, Freedom and Wordliness. These items inspire us to adopt the writing position that maximizes individual liberty and personal autonomy on all levels. Likewise, the economic & political […]

The National Game of Russia is Chess

A HUGE misstep by the Americans The imbeciles in Washington have decided to go ahead with another blunder of seizing Russia’s (from the Central Bank) Forex reserves to the tune of around 300 Billion USDs. It is BY FAR the biggest mistake of the USA since they began aggressively weaponizing the usage of the dollar. […]

BTC is the Most Centralized Asset That Exists

Bitcoin is the Most Centralized Commodity That Exists, Cont. Centralized Mining Approximately 40% of the current Bitcoin mining is done using public companies, that is, those registered and heavily scrutinized by regulatory bodies. In other words, almost a majority of the new supply of Bitcoin come from & go to state-regulated companies. This is a […]

Ways to Invest in Gold

You’re Looking to Buy Gold, but How? I was speaking to a friend of mine about the debt trap that the US Government finds itself in with its 130% Debt to GDP and requirement to continue spending for social security, pensions, healthcare, welfare and so much more. Inflate or die was essentially where we see […]

You Need To Read This About Ghana Right Now

What’chu Ghana do about it? I’ve gotten off a call recently with a Namibian lawyer whereby we were talking about the company structures and tax details. We were talking about how lots of legal proceedings are out-of-date, simply unknown or resort to case law in court. Unfortunately, my plans were deemed not feasible and the […]

Japan Article

A recap of Japan & their trouble; but at least they’re aiming Japan has been an economic disaster brewing for a long time. Their debt to GDP stands at a staggering 263% and many are calling Japan the canary in the coal mine to see how they’re going to manage that pile of debt. Despite […]