Tag: Europe

A Military Recruitment Problem. Proxy Pawns

Do as I say, not as I do -USA Foreign Policy The USA are quite clearly using Europe as a proxy against Russia which is yet again checkmark for their Europe destabilization project. If you’re not sure about the latter, please consider subscribing to read my important article on the truth in Ukraine! The USA […]

Where you can flee, to stay CBDC-Free

This Is Serious–Consider This Now! A lot of people have taken a doomsday approach to the issuance of a Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC) which resembles China’s infamous social credit score; a method regulating every single behaviour of their population to confirm with the state’s mandate, ideology or desires. Recently, it has been in the […]

A Shortage of Fertilizer in the EU–Food Crisis

Starting Shit with Everyone–Literally There’s a major problem with fertilizer companies in continental Europe. Due to the economic sanctions on Russia, misallocation of investments and a endless regulation to investment markets in the energy space, gas prices have made it uneconomical to continue to produce fertilizers. Many companies have completed shut down or are only […]

Nomad Investors going to Montenegro

OnTheBall Travels (Montenegro) It’s like a tall, absolutely gorgeous brunette with a history of bad relationships and no personality Montenegro. A place that has gotten some warranted attention as of the last few years amongst nomadic expats. I’ve been keenly following investors, podcasters, travel bugs, expats, nomads and the-like who all seem to be commenting […]


OnTheBall Travels (Hungary) The most beautiful city I’ve ever been (Budapest). It is a must-go if Europe is on your bucket list Itinerary We flew into Budapest from Cancun Mexico with a layover in Turkey. Everything was smooth entering the country–I don’t believe there was anything even said to us. Passports stamped for the 90 […]

What’s Your Threshold?

Everybody Needs to Decide Their Line in the Sand As the saying goes, it’s better to be a year too early than a day too late, which is especially relevant when it comes to leaving a place heading in an authoritarian direction. I’m motivated to write this after long discussions with my friends about relocating […]

Russian Equities

Smooth Sailing but Unable to Dock the Stock Most of the world does not produce anything themselves and rely on imports; this is especially true when it comes to resources. Russia accounts for a meaningful percentage of the world’s commodity production as Europeans have found out the hard way over the last couple of years. […]


An Overlooked Hideout There are threads and threads on Twitter and various forums discussing this main question: Where does one go [for freedom, normalcy, to escape the madness]? You can imagine that this question has gotten considerably more attention over the last few years when governments decided to turn their countries into prison systems just […]

Israel and Lebanon Gas Deal

Crisis + Offshore Oil= Opportunity? As of October 27th, 2022 Lebanon and Israel have come to a deal (brokered by the United States) to divide up ownership of maritime boundary areas of the Mediterranean; an unlikely event given the hostilities between each other. The settling of these boundaries allow for the transparency to set-up for […]