Tag: Educational

Demands on Relationships Are Crazy Now!

The Miracle of True Love: Lets be more understanding of each other I’m sure you’re well aware of the marriage crisis going on throughout the world where at best some marriage success stories have come down to the odds of a coin toss. It’s perhaps the perfect example of “it won’t happen to me” syndrome. […]

Birth Citizenship

Did you pay enough taxes for a lifetime? My guess is that you’re inclined to say you paid enough taxes for two lifetimes. That may be true if you are thinking about having a child in the future and aren’t particularly worried about where. It may be a challenge for the lady to have all […]

Supply and Demand Part 2

Now that you understand supply, demand & pizza a little bit… Let’s make it a bit more complicated. Now you know that if Demand exceeds supply, the price heads higher and if Supply exceeds Demand, then the price heads lower. But supply and demand are not stagnant. In other words, they are always flowing and […]

Millennials Poor

Millennials, You have some work to do I came across this data recently that was eye-catching. You know the World Economic Forum’s claim “You will own nothing and be happy”, well it may be easier for them to accomplish than expected. Millennials only have a mere fraction of the USA’s reported wealth, despite making up […]


Everybody Needs Protection An interesting photo here showing neurone cells in your brain (seen in blue) and they are lined by myelin (seen in green). This was taken from a cell culture & specifically stained to highlight the different cell types. In red are astrocytes, different type of central nervous system cells. Neurone cells convey […]

Everyone Has Lost Their Mind

I’ve come across a silly thing on the internet, not thinking I’d be writing about this but it’s just so absurd I can’t not comment. The post said, “Here’s a challenge for you. Go on Google and type in “<Is _________ racist/sexist>” So, while I should have been looking at new stocks for you guys […]

Psychology of Voting

How Psychology Impacts Who’s President I am putting my overpriced degree to work here by writing about one of the few lessons I’ve taken away from it. That lesson was the importance of personality. Personality is often used incorrectly such as “my personality makes me love attention; is someone who needs everything perfect; is “science-minded”; […]

The Cleanest Dirty Shirt

Now Thats a Good Looking Buck Years ago I remember hearing about a psychology study that went something like this: A random sample of men were brought in to a lab and were asked to rank-order photos of 20 women according to their attractiveness. But there was a catch, they were told that if they […]