Tag: Educational

Tips for High School Students

Short, Not-So Sweet Advice Quick Post I was asked the question “what advice would you go back to tell your younger self?”. Obviously buy Tesla stock at $1.30 dollars is the answer… but the question was seeking guidance and support. I think it’s easy to find articles, posts, images that say “15 rules to live […]

Inflation is Out Of Control!

Why Inflation is never going away Sick and tired of paying for expensive groceries, fuel, tuition and rent? Aren’t we all. But. It won’t get better. It’s actually going to get worse. Why? Because of debt. Many countries around the world, particularly advanced societies have never carried this much debt before, especially relative to their […]

The Tradeoff of the Decade

Your Ancestors Made A Choice, Now You Have To Do The Same:The Trade-off of the Decade One of our Canadian writers felt the need to write this after we had this discussion. Enjoy! I left Canada when Trudeau felt the need to coerce citizens into taking experimental drugs (ones that he directly profited I should […]

Chart for Travellers & Investors

Choosing the Best of Latin America There’s always a trade off, and this is no exception when it comes to volatile Latin America I’ve heard a clever dilemma with respect to healthcare. There’s: You can have 2… but not 3. Healthcare therefore can be: It’s a bit of an interesting dilemma that relates to the […]

Baseball Pitches

This is for the Nerds: Aerodynamics of Pitching Written September 2023 Strike Three! Baseball fans love that call (well unless your team is batting). Pitchers have all sorts of unique ways to strike out batters. A famous pitching coach once said “Batting is timing; Pitching is upsetting timing”. Maybe we heard commenters say “And the […]

Why Everybody Should Travel

Craziest Things You May Encounter When Travelling (& Counting) While travelling the world you put yourself in many situations, often many are unexpected and nerve-wracking. Looking back, they’re often comical or jaw-dropping when considering the probability that it had happened. Here’s a small list of what can happen to you while on a vacation/business trip! […]

The Millionaire Mindset

What would you do if you have 1 million dollars? As in, someone knocks on your front door and hands you a bag of 1 million dollars in cash. Now I assume you’ll spend the first little bit on your favourite restaurant, new shoes, throw a party and celebrate. So forget that part. Right now, […]