Tag: Educational

I Learned the Hard Way

Interested in Investing? Not Sure Where to Start? Keep Reading! There’s many people who hear about their friends investing and feel like they should be doing it–but how? In what? What actually is a stock? What the hell is a cryptocurrency? Bitcoin right? How do you own gold? Too many questions and most people give […]

The World The Globalists Want PART 3

The Best Path Forward is to Ridicule Their Hypocrisy & Stupidity For What It Is Please Share We have to improve drug safety by giving people drugs to smoke We support entrepreneurs by making sure they follow the regulations and procedures placed upon them We have to improve quality of life by ensuring you stay […]

Where Women Out-Number Men

All New Episodes of The Bachelor Oh you thought the TV Show? Well no, but interestingly there are number of countries where guys can take their pick on the dating market because women far outnumber men in the population. This is the latest UN 2023 data. Lets count down from Top 10: 10) Macau (88.5 […]

A List of Movies That Came True

Dystopian Films That Became Reality Idiocracy This is a funny movie. But some aspects of it are coming true before our eyes. None of the characters pay attention to whats happening around them (100% accurate to today). Everyone believes the fools around them, they have lost the ability to think & are only focused on […]

It’s Time To Unleash the Mosquitos

Kill Gates is at it again…Biting Away at a New Scam This material is found in the Subscriber Section and is free, temporarily! This psychopathic fraud obsessed with reducing the world’s population is at it again with his human experiments. This time, by funding a new genetically-modifying technology in mosquitos. After waiting years and years […]

A Little Interesting Fact to Share With Friends

Neuroscience in Action, Literally Have you ever hit your thumb while hammering and yelled Son of a $@%*! I have (But I have yelled worse than that…) And I instantly grabbed my thumb to squeeze onto it. But why is that my instinct? Why would I ‘grab’ the thing thats damaged? It’s because the nervous […]

Set Your Watches & Get Ready

The Little Sand in the Hour Glass It’s often thought that the Federal Reserve comes in-and-out during bad & “good” times to monitor & bail out the financial system. However, this is only part-true in that the Federal Reserves is continually bailing out the financial system. It has numerous channels, facilities, or windows whereby businesses, […]