Tag: Economy

Europe is the next big battlefield, again

Bidenistas Latest Spending Bill & The Long-Term Outlook The latest REPO bill, which is a foolish, foolish act to pass that only involves more spending and sacrificing the confidence in the US Treasury market, contains approximately $61 billion dollars for completely finished Ukraine and approximately $26 billion dollars for their priority pals of Israel. The […]

The National Game of Russia is Chess

A HUGE misstep by the Americans The imbeciles in Washington have decided to go ahead with another blunder of seizing Russia’s (from the Central Bank) Forex reserves to the tune of around 300 Billion USDs. It is BY FAR the biggest mistake of the USA since they began aggressively weaponizing the usage of the dollar. […]

The Balkanization of… Mexico?

Could Mexico Ever Split Up as a Country? I wanted to write this upon seeing the number of angry and vocal protests in the state of Oaxaca against foreigners. Many have called them for them to go home, to not use Airbnb, called them racists (?) and some outright threatened harm against foreigners. Some photo […]

Our Interesting Experience in Saint Martin

OnTheBall Travels I don’t even need to say it but we’re not going to live here… The island that many retired Americans and cruise-goers frequent during the Winter months. Here is our take on this split island. Make sure you’ve followed us on Twitter and signed up for our Newsletter! Middle Ground to Saba & […]

We Explored Panama & Here’s What We Found

OnTheBall Travels A great hub for Finance; Banking, Companies, Funds, Tax planning–But simply not stable enough for living year-round I headed to Panama to see the place as many expats have commented on it being a great place to hideout or to remain free in this captive world. I also had some business meetings. It […]

Stranded on an island with Tuition debt

Your Life is Worth More Than Your Grades Oh boy, you’re graduating high school soon and you’re still unsure what to do? Life= Over There’s many conflicting messages: Your friends are battling for the top universities; one family member is encouraging you to take a trade like carpentry or plumbing as though they have discovered […]