Tag: Economics

An Alien Invasion is Coming! Here’s Why:

Are Aliens Real? That Depends on The Economy By this point, I’m sure you find it difficult to believe government numbers at all (or at least I hope so!). The numbers from the Venezuelan government are basically the same as those from the UK or French governments at this point–perhaps the level of lying overtly […]

South Korea Heading Towards Extinction

A line has stuck with me recently that I felt the need to explore: By 2100, at the current pace, all but 5% of South Koreans will be extinct Yes. Like a bird in the Amazon. Gone. We’ve recently posted about a wave of depression that is encompassing South Korean young adults here–> Take me […]

What is Happening in Credit Markets?

Gold is money, everything else is credit JP Morgan, 1912 Credit Markets are broken… there needs to be some event to “reset” confidence or the system itself. Get the Free Newsletter to hear our thoughts on what’s next! US Debt Rises $1 Trillion in 100 Days on average, according to Bank of America. They estimate […]

Who has a Budget Surplus

Squirrels are Tiny, but they still Survive the Winter How do Squirrels survive such horrendous conditions and the threats from predators? They have it engrained in their DNA to save more than you consume. If you abide by this principle you’ll have enough energy to give you enough leverage to find a mate, find shelter […]

Supply and Demand Part 2

Now that you understand supply, demand & pizza a little bit… Let’s make it a bit more complicated. Now you know that if Demand exceeds supply, the price heads higher and if Supply exceeds Demand, then the price heads lower. But supply and demand are not stagnant. In other words, they are always flowing and […]

You Need To Read This About Ghana Right Now

What’chu Ghana do about it? I’ve gotten off a call recently with a Namibian lawyer whereby we were talking about the company structures and tax details. We were talking about how lots of legal proceedings are out-of-date, simply unknown or resort to case law in court. Unfortunately, my plans were deemed not feasible and the […]

A Unique Middle Eastern Economy

This is Headline News, but Not For These Reasons If I were to ask you, have things gotten better or worse over the last 20-25 years, my guess is that you may be inclined to say worse (since this is written in English). Trust among neighbours has declined, mental illness has shot up, more job […]


An Overlooked Hideout There are threads and threads on Twitter and various forums discussing this main question: Where does one go [for freedom, normalcy, to escape the madness]? You can imagine that this question has gotten considerably more attention over the last few years when governments decided to turn their countries into prison systems just […]


Using Fire Protectors as Wealth Protectors What in gods name is this article about… Fire protec–using a fire blanket to protect my cash? Not quite. There’s a country out there that very few people hear about, can point to on a map, or know anything about. While they’re not the richest (& likely won’t be […]