Tag: Demand

Open Door Consultancy: Easy on Recommending Europe

Be Mindful of Disaster This is a message towards those offshore service providers & travel vlog types that are insistent on their selling of countries in the European Union–as though times were similar like 20 years ago. Do they have a place in your portfolio or travel fun? 100%. However, the trend is absolutely against […]

Supply and Demand Part 2

Now that you understand supply, demand & pizza a little bit… Let’s make it a bit more complicated. Now you know that if Demand exceeds supply, the price heads higher and if Supply exceeds Demand, then the price heads lower. But supply and demand are not stagnant. In other words, they are always flowing and […]

Stranded on an island with Tuition debt

Your Life is Worth More Than Your Grades Oh boy, you’re graduating high school soon and you’re still unsure what to do? Life= Over There’s many conflicting messages: Your friends are battling for the top universities; one family member is encouraging you to take a trade like carpentry or plumbing as though they have discovered […]

Silver Play

The Production Problem: A Silver Set up Silver production has a unique trait that many may not be familiar. It’s that it’s majority production are not done by silver miners. Instead, the silver that comes about is a byproduct of lead or zinc mining, which accounts for 65-70% of the amount of silver produced yearly. […]