Tag: Debt

Open Door Consultancy: Easy on Recommending Europe

Be Mindful of Disaster This is a message towards those offshore service providers & travel vlog types that are insistent on their selling of countries in the European Union–as though times were similar like 20 years ago. Do they have a place in your portfolio or travel fun? 100%. However, the trend is absolutely against […]

The Real Cause Behind Global Conflicts

Cartel Wars: Treasuries vs. Gold I’ve written about Mexico a lot–no this is not about Mexican drug cartels (because I know that’s the first thing to think about when you think of the word cartel), this is about banking cartels–who seek total control of the world over every aspect of your life. Control the money–control […]

A Complete Confidence Killer in the US Dollar

Going from Freeze–to Seize Damage to Collateral Get out your pens and mark this down. February 17th. This will be a historic turning point in the future of the global monetary system when we look back. It is evident that the sanctions against Russia have tremendously back-fired as they decided to use the dollar as […]

What is Happening in Credit Markets?

Gold is money, everything else is credit JP Morgan, 1912 Credit Markets are broken… there needs to be some event to “reset” confidence or the system itself. Get the Free Newsletter to hear our thoughts on what’s next! US Debt Rises $1 Trillion in 100 Days on average, according to Bank of America. They estimate […]

Set Your Watches & Get Ready

The Little Sand in the Hour Glass It’s often thought that the Federal Reserve comes in-and-out during bad & “good” times to monitor & bail out the financial system. However, this is only part-true in that the Federal Reserves is continually bailing out the financial system. It has numerous channels, facilities, or windows whereby businesses, […]

Bracing You For A Monumental Level of Extortion

Governments around the world are looking for all new ways to extort from their producers. Whether the reason is just more greed, surmounting debt obligations or preparing for something big, the end result is less money in your pocket if you’re not seeking professional assistance. If you’ve read our Panama journey you will already know […]

Inflation is Out Of Control!

Why Inflation is never going away Sick and tired of paying for expensive groceries, fuel, tuition and rent? Aren’t we all. But. It won’t get better. It’s actually going to get worse. Why? Because of debt. Many countries around the world, particularly advanced societies have never carried this much debt before, especially relative to their […]

Why Won’t You Fall, You Bastard?

Read This if Most of Your Wealth is in Housing! Since rent caps have come in place in California and New York–that is, the amount that landlords can charge their tenants for rent is limited–a storm has been brewing in the housing market. Many people who found it challenging to make ends meet on their […]

Want a Good Indicator for the Economy?

Cartels use Walls, Grandpa uses his Couch & Everyone Else uses the Reverse Repo Where do we put all this cash? If only we had that problem, eh! Well, large institutions do have that problem. Money Market Funds (MMFs), hedge funds and large international banks have been utilizing the Reverse Repo a lot since the […]