Tag: Culture

Why Civil War Won’t Happen in The USA

USA should be heading to Civil War, but why they won’t More than ever, we have headlines eluded that the polarization of the United States will only lead to Civil War–A24 is even making a movie about it, a foreign concept 20-years ago. Now, the country is extremely dividend between red and blue states. People […]

The Tradeoff of the Decade

Your Ancestors Made A Choice, Now You Have To Do The Same:The Trade-off of the Decade One of our Canadian writers felt the need to write this after we had this discussion. Enjoy! I left Canada when Trudeau felt the need to coerce citizens into taking experimental drugs (ones that he directly profited I should […]

Canadians & Brits are not Speaking

Are you authorized to be talking? A finding as of late… While we try to create interesting articles for everyone, we realize that there’s a segment of the population who just doesn’t care about military applications, stock shares and data on credit card debt. To compensate with more content for this neglected audience, we welcome […]

Why Everybody Should Travel

Craziest Things You May Encounter When Travelling (& Counting) While travelling the world you put yourself in many situations, often many are unexpected and nerve-wracking. Looking back, they’re often comical or jaw-dropping when considering the probability that it had happened. Here’s a small list of what can happen to you while on a vacation/business trip! […]

And you thought Asians love Animé…

What the hell is going on… Americans are absolutely obsessed with CGI Superhero movies. I knew that some superhero hits had really set a new bar in successful sales, yet, I had no idea that these were the only movies doing so. I love a good mystery, psychological thriller, the odd horror movie with plot-twists–something […]

Not a Gun Muzzle… A Muzzle for a Gun

Reasons to Hate, Hate Speech I hate, hate crimes for two reasons. Firstly, for obvious reasons… and secondly are the dangerous precedence it presents by assigning limits to speech. Stopping hate crime is far more dangerous than simply hearing unpleasant utterances. Having the power or resources to stop “hate” must be synonymous with tyranny–the 20th […]

Demands on Relationships Are Crazy Now!

The Miracle of True Love: Lets be more understanding of each other I’m sure you’re well aware of the marriage crisis going on throughout the world where at best some marriage success stories have come down to the odds of a coin toss. It’s perhaps the perfect example of “it won’t happen to me” syndrome. […]

Korean Young Men

There’s Demons Outside My Front Door I’m going to make a 10,000-piece puzzle that when you finish it, it says, “Go Outside” Comedian Dmitri Martin Someone should think about making this type of puzzle in East Asia, it should sell. Why? The disease of extreme social reclusiveness known as hikikomori is taking over to the […]