Tag: Culture

Who’s More Mexican?

White Mexicans view themselves to have Aztec bloodDark Mexicans view themselves to have Spanish blood Rich Mexicans view themselves in being familiar with poor streetsPoor Mexicans view themselves as frequenting nice restaurants & quality content Educated Mexicans think they’re more Mexican than the uneducated The uneducated think they’re more culturally connected Mexicans than the students […]

The Beautiful, Lovely Isle of Man is Doomed

Sad to Say I think the best days are now over for the island. I have been extremely biased in wanting to avoid coming to this conclusion but I cannot rationally suggest that brighter days are ahead after nearly two years viewing news headlines, legal amendments, a tightening with UK policies and general on-the-ground changes […]

The Cultural Destruction of Fertility (Part 4 of Series)

Throwing Fuel on the Fertility Fire Other Parts Incomplete OR Limited to Subscribers. Join Us for Access Countdown (Part 1)Testosterone (Part 2)Economic Disaster (Part 3)Cultural Disaster (Part 4)Biowarfare (Part 5)The Problem is Very Real (Part 6)The Psychology of Childlessness & Fighting Biology (Part 7)The Solution (Part 8) Previously I have discussed the immense danger that […]

Making Sense of the Dating World

Settling Down in a Relationship I have travelled a great deal throughout Latin America–a place where the people are warm, friendly and very sexual or “touchy” compared to cold Europeans. As a result of this (and their higher-than-average good looks if you ask me), it’s infidelity and adultery rates are no rarity. In fact, I’ve […]

Poem: United States of Fake

Fake leadership still called democracy Fake money produced by the central bank Fake security which is nothing more than bureaucracy Fake governance for whom you have to thank Fake friendships on social mediaFake learning on Wikipedia Fake images & video using A.I. Fake internet cash that everybody loves to buy Fake scholarship in the form […]

Trust us, you’re better off gone, Eh.

Canada is the poster-child for the globalist Malthusians aimed at not only destroying “the middle class” but life itself. Canada’s political class have consistently focused on one main goal without hesitation–> reducing the population. Complete Control Bill C-11, recently passed provides the Canadian government with the power expands the Broadcasting Act that grants the CRTC […]

The Future of Asia: Change Face; Change Economy

I have been increasingly vocal about the seriousness of low fertility rates on not only the economy, but mental health, preservation of culture, history and the health of the planet. I believe lack of fertility is the single largest, unappreciated factor that we all face today. Luckily for some countrymen, their politicians agree with me […]

Japan is Not Going to Make It

Totally geeked out recently to come to the realization that I don’t think #Japan is gonna make it in its current form. I have covered Japan before, but the “geeking out” was spending hours of video interviews, articles and X accounts in Japan and drawing the following conclusions: But First… Grab the Email Newsletter Grab […]

Sport is the Ultimate Circus

Bread and Circuses. Used to keep the plebs mentally numb as the republicans encroach further and further on their individual liberties, their land, their businesses and the gold in the money supply back in the Roman Empire days. Keeping food in their belly and stimulating distractions ensured that the lower classes were tuned out or […]