Tag: Civilization

A List of Movies That Came True

Dystopian Films That Became Reality Idiocracy This is a funny movie. But some aspects of it are coming true before our eyes. None of the characters pay attention to whats happening around them (100% accurate to today). Everyone believes the fools around them, they have lost the ability to think & are only focused on […]

Why Civil War Won’t Happen in The USA

USA should be heading to Civil War, but why they won’t More than ever, we have headlines eluded that the polarization of the United States will only lead to Civil War–A24 is even making a movie about it, a foreign concept 20-years ago. Now, the country is extremely dividend between red and blue states. People […]

And you thought Asians love Animé…

What the hell is going on… Americans are absolutely obsessed with CGI Superhero movies. I knew that some superhero hits had really set a new bar in successful sales, yet, I had no idea that these were the only movies doing so. I love a good mystery, psychological thriller, the odd horror movie with plot-twists–something […]